Your Little Hand, My Son, Guides Me Through The World

Your hand so small, my son, guides me through the world

Your hand, my little son, is my guide and my treasure, you cling to life, you are my other half in this journey in which we move slowly and where sooner or later, I will have to set you free. That is my mission as a mother, that is my job as a father, to be your companion and your guide in all those years that we need so much from each other.

Parenting is a journey. A journey in which there are days that seem very long to us, where the difficulties are many and where infinite fatigue and very complex fears. However, that journey is going to be very short and there will be many things that we regret at some point, in case we do not attend to them or do not give them the relevance they deserve.

The day will come when your child wants to advance alone, when he runs faster than you and when the horizon claims him for himself. It will be then when everything that you have taught him on that previous trip becomes more important than ever, everything that you have transmitted, whispered, explained, made discovered, understood and seen through your example.

You will lead him by the hand through a fundamental stage and he, in turn, will guide you as well. Because children guide us so that we are able to know them, to intuit their internal worlds, their needs. Therefore we are facing the most important journey of your life and his, since childhood, whether we want it or not, marks the future of an adult and it is that substrate that will guarantee their happiness.

When you were born, your hand held tightly to my fingers …

Nothing seemed so perfect to us: a tiny hand, delicate and yet so strong, squeezing our fingers, clinging to us with an innate, magical and surprising need. The hand of our baby is undoubtedly one of the first things we usually look at when they come to us when they are born, we love to see their little fingers, their nails and that life they transmit, so incredible and at the same time so ours.

  • We make them ours. When they come into the world we tell ourselves that these children are our most precious possession, that they are our treasure … Sometimes we forget that children are children of life and that they only belong to themselves. We are their roots and their guides, dedicated fathers and mothers who will always try to do their best.
  • You do not want to be the perfect mom or dad, you want to be a present father, a brave mother who will lift her child every time he falls, who will encourage him to use his hands to discover the world, to make sand castles, to touch the nature, immerse yourself in books, pet animals …

Because life is recognized through the hands and if there is something that children adore, it is manipulating, transforming, playing … So let them from time to time separate from our hands to interact with what is in their environment.

You guide me through the world too, my son

You may tell yourself that it is you who is at the helm, you who set the course and the destination on that journey with your children. However, and this is very important to bear in mind, they are the ones who guide us, they are the ones who, step by step and day by day, set the course for us.

The father or mother who limits himself to forcefully lead his children by the hand and in a hurry, will miss the most important thing: the pleasure of going at their own pace to see what they see, of understanding the perspective of their gaze. , the way in which they discover life, in which they feel it and awaken to it. How can we miss such an event?

Parenting is a walk that lasts several years and that ends overnight without us noticing. First they grow in your lap, then they jump and walk by your side but always looking for your closeness and that hand where to hold on, where to feel safe, where not to detach because they love to have you by their side in each advance they achieve.

That little hand will grow and you, by its side. It will be a walk where there will be no lack of laughter, discussions, disagreements, promises and that affection that is spinning that path where we advance day by day. Take hold of that little hand of your son now that it is possible for you, now that you can enjoy it, because the day will come when he wants to go ahead and where we will no longer be able to reach them.

On that day, our work will be finished and you will feel something incredible and profound: you will feel proud of yourself for what you have achieved.

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