You Know You Are A Mother When Resting Is A Luxury

If you are a mother, you will have realized that resting is a luxury … but you can get it!
You know you are a mom when resting is a luxury

It seems that the days should be lengthened as soon as you become a mother. The 24 hours that a day offers us is too short, so it could be 48 hours … Between visits to school, the doctor, friends’ parties, housework, work and the couple, little time remains to rest. And you will know that you are a mother when resting is a luxury …

Mother’s job is 24/7 and for life. Doing so is an incredible pleasure, but – to be honest – it also burdens us with responsibilities, stress and constant turmoil. Keeping the rhythm of the children always so energetic is sometimes an endless uphill and the mother has little time to take a few minutes, to inhale, exhale and continue.

You know you are a mom when resting is a luxury. That is why planning, having an agenda and trying to the best of our ability to organize ourselves is essential. Only you will be able to know when it is time to rest, even if it is a trickle …

You are a mother when resting is a luxury: How to handle motherhood well

There are different options to organize yourself. Next we are going to give you some tips because only in this way will you be able to rest a little more, and although you will continue to feel it as a luxury, at least, you will be less stressed.

Keep an agenda because when you are a mother, when resting is a luxury

 Carry a notepad or agenda where you can to write down the commitments you have and take a look at the beginning and end of the day. It’s a good way to schedule yourself and keep your responsibilities up to date.

Currently there are many applications that work as agendas, have reminders, alarms and serve to keep the birthdays of important friends or family fresh in your thoughts, work meetings, commitments that you must go to and even so that you do not miss your television program Favourite.


Leave everything organized the day before

A good way to save time that will later be used to use it for other activities and above all, maintain a healthy discipline at home, is to organize and leave some things ready the night before.

For example, together with the children or the couple, put forward school uniforms, work clothes, pre-cook breakfast or arrange food for lunch. You can take advantage of these minutes later in the day or avoid waking up busy and thus have a few extra minutes to sleep.

Plan vacations, walks and visits in advance

When you are with the family, organizing trips and vacations is a job of detail. We must coordinate the stay, the places to visit and even take into account the issue of medications if we travel with children and preventive adjustments and repairs to the vehicle if we travel by road. Planning these things in advance and making a budget for expenses will make life easier and in the long run we will have a real vacation.

You are a mom when rest is a luxury: have a rest for yourself

Considering that your free time since you are a mother is gold, that going out with friends, coffee, going to the movies, the theater or simply sitting down to read a good book or watch your favorite series is the subject of other times. Taking time for yourself should be non-negotiable. A happy mother will give her children quality time, so do not feel guilty about doing these activities and keeping your world wide and connecting again with the activities that you are passionate about.


“Equitable” distribution of tasks with the father

Keep in mind that the father’s work is in a team, even when the parents are divorced, the work must be distributed as equitably as possible. So let’s talk and make it clear that one and the other must collaborate so that life is not a constant hustle and bustle. You are both the leaders of the family and you must both pitch in.

Do an activity with the children

A good way to have fun and bond with your children at the same time is to do recreational activities together. That is, swimming lessons, tennis, going to baseball or soccer games, cultivating a hobby or passion together. At that time, more than mother they will be companions of adventures … But what matters is that you continue to be their guide in the discovery of their world.

Do not procrastinate

This is a terrible vice to keep order and schedule up to date. Avoid leaving for later those calls, conversations or small tasks that you can easily solve at the moment. “Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today”. This way you will feel that you are doing productive things and you will feel much better.

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