Work Is The Leading Cause Of Breastfeeding Cessation

Work is the leading cause of breastfeeding abandonment

Much has been said about the labor impediment that motherhood represents, however, although every day many mothers come out afloat with their situation, work has become the leading cause of breastfeeding abandonment. That is, in some way the role of mother is always affected by the work commitment, as it could harm the exchange in many ways.

A working mother needs her days to be longer and life to somehow facilitate two of her main roles: that of mother and that of professional. Despite the labor benefits that a woman receives for maternity, in a short period of time the separation between the baby and her mother is necessary ; That is why the difficulty of breastfeeding with the same regularity of the first months arises.

Although there are many causes for the abandonment of breastfeeding, the main one is still work. Unfortunately, working mothers disconnect from the precious bond to such an extent that it is difficult to return to it as before; even without the baby stopping receiving your milk.

young mother breast feeding her baby girl in garden

Abandonment of breastfeeding before six months

The exclusive food of the baby during its first months of life should be breast milk, however, many mothers are forced to abandon this process before the exclusive period of six months is fulfilled due to their work commitments. It is estimated that at least 46% of mothers in Spain alone have abandoned breastfeeding before their baby reaches this stage, of which 62% excused themselves at work.

This statement is supported by the results of a study carried out by Suavinex laboratories, especially focused on conciliation and breastfeeding data. Although all mothers who leave breastfeeding prematurely want to continue to favor their children through this process, not all can achieve this purpose as they would like.

As we know, it is possible to express and preserve breast milk to continue benefiting the baby with this food even when we are not with him; This is an alternative commonly followed by working mothers, but it cannot be forever. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, breastfeeding allows the child to receive most of its nutrients and vitamins required in its first stage; therefore it is convenient to continue administering the milk even through the bottle.

However, something that is definitely lost when the mother goes out to work is the attachment that is created between the two, which is why the important period of exterogestation is hastily cut off. Thus, the abandonment of breastfeeding before six months, constitutes a problem that can be reflected in the physical and emotional health of the baby, something that can even accompany him into adulthood.

Measures that lead to the abandonment of breastfeeding

According to the report of the I Study of Conciliation and Breastfeeding, more than 40% of Spanish babies do not receive feeding in this way during the time estimated by the WHO ; the most frequent cause being the labor issue.

More than half of the mothers surveyed admit to having had difficulties to breastfeed their child during their first year of age and more than 30% do not feel satisfied with the treatment received in their work environment as a result of the alteration in their working hours. work and other maternity benefits received.

Work is the cause of the abandonment of breastfeeding

In this sense, at least 43% of mothers of infants have decided to reduce their working hours to care for their babies ; But this decision represents a decrease in their salary and a regression in their evolution within the company. However, not all women in this situation are in a position to make these changes, so they end up leaving the care of their children to other people so as not to lose their professional progress.

Many other mothers become freelancers or move to positions in smaller companies, the plan generally is to be able to care for their babies with greater dedication and ensure breastfeeding at the first level. Expressing milk is an alternative that 30% of the women surveyed have chosen and another 27% have decided to breastfeed the baby only during the time they are not working; that is, little by little the weaning process begins due to work commitments.

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