Why Mothers Feel More Stressed Than Fathers When Caring For Their Children

Why Mothers Feel More Stressed Than Fathers When Caring for Children

Certainly there are mothers more stressed than others, but some studies indicate that no one is less stressed than the father. Apparently, fathers do not suffer like mothers when they have to take care of their children. Scientific results indicate that women tend to be more unhappy with parental responsibilities. For what is this? Do you agree on this?

It is not news that parenting involves a series of grueling commitments. The routine, the obligations, the lack of personal time, can be overwhelming. However, this appears to be much more difficult for women than for men. In particular, we believe that it has to do with the need to seek perfection and not have help.

What happens when two people with the same obligations are not in tune? Most likely, someone will keep most of the work. Observe that they do not help you and that you end up doing everything yourself, it is already stressful.

Also, in the case of parenting, most parents don’t have to take care of their children for long. Therefore, being temporary, it does not lead to stress. They know that as soon as mom arrives he surrenders his guard, but it is not the other way around. If Mom is busy with the children, she is not relieved when Dad comes.

What does the data say about stressed mothers?

The American Cornell University conducted research through the Minnesota Population Center. The study began by analyzing the time that both men and women spend caring for their children. Consequently, it was enough to know the abysmal differences, to get an idea.

According to the results of the research, not only do women spend more time, it is also an exhausting process. If it were a simple and fully satisfactory task, the time in which it is carried out should not particularly affect our nerves. However, in this case, the women were found to be evidently stressed and less happy than the men.

Investigators took note of at least 12,000 cases. Parents’ feelings were evaluated according to the use of their time, this related to data from three years of research. These indications reflected the use of time and the type of activities carried out by mothers and fathers. The environment in which they operated was also taken into account.

Due to most of the responsibilities, the time to enjoy children was reduced in women. However, the time for themselves was even lower. Fathers tend to save their leisure time more often than mothers.

Mothers enjoy their children less

Let’s look at the following situation: a parent comes home after a hard day’s work; meanwhile, the mother prepares dinner and  the children watch television. What does the father do? He has the option of resting or sitting for a while with his children.

However, the mother does not have time for that, she will continue cooking, then serving and tidying the kitchen. By then you will have accumulated stress with housework, children’s homework, and perhaps your own work. Unfortunately, she did not take advantage of quality time with her little ones and maybe not even with her partner.

This type of situation can be repeated at different levels. When a parent must take care of their child, they are likely to take them to the movies, for ice cream, or just play with them on the patio. However, the mother does not act in this way, she continues to work so that others can have a happy life.

“When mothers are with their children, they are generally alone. Parents when they are with children, they are more likely to have other adults around, who offer them support. This helps to understand why dads are less stressed with their children “

-Ann Meier. Sociologist –

It is also common for mothers themselves to ask their partner to take their children to the park while she does the laundry or tidy up the rooms. As always sacrificed for our family, we end up being unhappy with something that actually gives us a lot of pleasure.

Being mothers does not make us unhappy, it is the way we handle motherhood. The demands on ourselves, the need for them not to lack anything, is what ends up taking time away from us to enjoy them.

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