What Your Baby Learns About You From Birth To 6 Months Is Wonderful

What your baby learns about you from birth to 6 months is wonderful

What your baby learns from you during his first 6 months is something wonderful. In this first stage, your closeness is his food, your skin his refuge, your voice his guide and your words the stimuli that will help him to awaken the world, to mature, to see his surroundings with curiosity and happiness.

Parents are often not fully aware of everything that happens during the first trimesters of a baby’s life. Sometimes during these early stages, we focus more on making sure you gain weight, eat the right way, and get your full hours of sleep without over-protesting.

However, amazing things happen in your body. An example of this is what they explain to us from the journal “JAMA Neurology”: during these first 6 months the brain will develop more than at any other stage. Furthermore, this process begins just after delivery, which is why it is necessary to establish an early, strong and safe bond with them that fosters that wonderful neuronal awakening.

In “You are Mom” we want to explain everything you do throughout this first stage without you noticing.

Thanks to you, his brain grows  1% a day

The baby’s brain grows on average 1% a day for the first 3 months . The following three months will do so by 0.4%. It is something amazing, something that has its times and in turn, some stimuli that generate that this development is optimal.

  • Every touch, every sound, every hug, every toy that you teach him, every time you put your finger in his hand, rock him or take him for a walk so that he can enjoy the light of the solo, the shapes and the sensations of the city, you do it, you encourage its growth.
    • Throughout the first 6 months of life, the part of the brain that will develop the most is the cerebellum. It is a region that is responsible for integrating the sensory and motor pathways, so that the baby’s senses awaken the world and so that his movement capacity begins to mature.

    Positive emotions give your baby security and help him grow


    When a baby comes into the world it only needs two things: food and security. The first aspect is achieved in a simple way. Feeding a child is easy. However, feeding each of the emotional needs of a newborn sometimes leads more than one parent to some misunderstanding.

    • Throughout these first 6 months he needs the physical and constant closeness of his mother. There will be no more comfortable place.
    • If a baby cries when left in the crib or in the wee hours of the morning, it is not on a whim, it is his survival mechanism: he fears loneliness because it scares him that he will not be able to survive that way. We cannot forget that when they arrive in the world their brain is completely immature, therefore it needs that “exterogestation” where it finishes maturing, and the most propitious place to achieve it is in the arms of its mother.

    Positive emotions, those that you offer him by favoring skin-to-skin contact, comforting him when he cries, hugging him at every moment and speaking softly and lovingly, are his second food. You help him grow in every way possible.

    You help them to establish habits, to understand the routines to regulate their cycles

    Life, as well as our daily days, is still a set of habits and routines that adjust to our circadian rhythms.

    • Something as simple as teaching a baby when it is day and when it is night will allow him to establish a correct rest.
    • In turn, as he sees that you feed him on a regular basis, he will make him cry less and less because he will feel safe and satisfied.
    • Routines as basic as bath time before bed also allow a baby to integrate times and understand what comes next.

    You are their guide in speech and language competence

    A baby comes to understand infinite words long before the speech process begins. This is so for a very simple reason: because mom and dad never stop talking to him, encouraging him with kind words and with that constant communication based on eye contact.

    A moment in which, without a doubt, the most special moments are registered to favor their awakening to language, is when the mother feeds her baby. Either through the breast or the bottle, the position in itself is the ideal one to establish that eye contact that month by month will be more mature and evident.

    It is then when the baby is most receptive, when he wakes up with his first smiles, his babbling, his excited cries and those sounds that little by little will give shape to the first word.

    As you can see, throughout these first 6 months incredible milestones happen, those for which you are responsible. Something wonderful that you must enjoy every day.

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