What You Don’t Want To Hear When You’re Pregnant

While pregnancy can be one of the happiest times in a woman’s life, it can also lead to insecurities. These are the kinds of things you can’t say to a pregnant woman.
What you don't want to hear when you're pregnant

A pregnant woman often becomes the focus of attention anywhere and is the subject of many comments that are not always pleasant or simply not wanted to hear while expecting a baby.

If you are pregnant, you will most likely hear these things and if you have already had a baby, you probably heard them when your pregnancy was in progress. Do you identify with any of these phrases?

Phrases that should not be said to a pregnant woman

“It hurts a lot”

All women who have been through a pregnancy have heard amazing and very painful stories about the birth of babies. If you meet another woman who is expecting, avoid telling her how terrifying the pain of giving birth was.

You know it won’t be easy, but it’s important to stay positive to avoid stress affecting you or the baby in any way possible. Remember that all women have different experiences and for many the process is not traumatic.

“You are very small or you are very thin”

With these types of comments, the woman can misinterpret the words and worry about the health and size of the baby. If you are of small build, the normal thing is that the growth is not too noticeable; If you do the rigorous controls, there is nothing to fear.

“You are very big or you are very fat”

The self-esteem of pregnant women is especially fragile due to the external and internal changes that it experiences, so this type of comments can generate a self-image crisis in women. The most normal thing in the world is that when you are pregnant you gain weight, you just have to try to eat healthy and everything will be fine.

Pregnant woman

“It was planned?”

Planned or not, the decision to continue the pregnancy brings the situation under control. Nobody cares if you planned it or if it came unexpectedly, the only thing that matters is that in a couple of months you will have a beautiful baby in your arms.

“Can I touch your belly?”

Many women have no problem with others reaching out to touch their tummies, but others find it uncomfortable, so for prudence, it is better not to do so unless it is a very trustworthy person.

“When I was pregnant …”

It is common for mothers with several children to know many things that perhaps you do not know, but they do not have the absolute truth on the subject. All gestation processes are different and if you need guidance, you can seek advice from a family member or a doctor, do not believe all the horror stories that some people tell.

“You shouldn’t eat / drink that”

Unless it is something harmful to your baby, you don’t want to hear what it is and what it cannot eat. If you have questions regarding food issues, you can review menu options for pregnant women or consult with a nutritionist; They can tell you a thousand things that have no real foundation.

“Are you sure they’re not twins?”

With this phrase, all pregnant women will feel that they are too overweight. Abdominal growth varies depending on the body characteristics of the woman, the baby and the diet, so there is no standard measure to which you should adhere. Again, as long as you go through your routine checks and everything is fine, there is no reason to worry.

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“Are you going to quit your job when the baby is born?”

It really is a very personal issue that should only be discussed with the family. It can be taken as an intrusion and is not a topic that you want to talk about with just anyone. The decision to continue or not with the work activity is solely the mother and her partner.

“Sleep well now, you won’t be doing it for a long time.”

Any comment that has a harmful or worrisome intention is irrelevant when addressing a pregnant woman. Motherhood is a wonderful experience, which, like everything in life involves some sacrifices, they should not make you see it as a tragedy, you have to enjoy the changes.

“You are too young to have children”

Yes, there are certain socially established parameters for motherhood, but if you don’t stick with them it is not a great tragedy. Even if you don’t fit the standards, the important thing is that you make your motherhood a wonderful stage that you will fully enjoy, regardless of the numbers on your ID.

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