What To Eat For Dinner During Pregnancy?

When planning dinners to prepare during pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account the need for them to provide quality nutrients without being heavy.
What to have for dinner during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, this food generates greater uncertainty. What foods are the most suitable for dinner and, at what time should we have dinner during pregnancy? We’ll find out next.

Dinner is usually associated with food deprivation. Therefore, we tend to worry a lot. We feel overwhelmed knowing that we want to eat plenty but can’t.

Although we must take care of both the amount of food we eat, we must also take care of the quality of it. The nutritional contribution has a great weight in this aspect.

Dining during pregnancy, an easy matter

In pregnancy, a woman may feel like her appetite is greater than she normally has. Is it necessary to repress it? Not at all. You just have to know how to eat at every moment of the day. 

The first and foremost thing is to eat a balanced diet, rich in nutrients of all kinds; This will help you to know how to dine during pregnancy correctly.

The fact of having a light dinner helps us to have a less heavy digestion. Remember that, at night, this process takes place at a much slower pace than during the day.

Healthy recipes for the third trimester of pregnancy are very beneficial for mom and baby.

What are the best foods?

For this reason, it is recommended that dinners be made up of soft and smooth foods, low in fat. It is also important to maintain a meal schedule.

At dinner time during pregnancy, it is best to take advantage of 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. In this way, complete digestion can be done, in good time, before going to sleep.

By doing this, we will realize what nutritional deficiencies we have had in the day and how to fill them. For example, we may have been missing some fiber. So you can take advantage of dinner to incorporate those foods that were missing during the day.

Vegetables are one of the lightest and most beneficial foods, according to an article published in the “International Journal of Epidemiology.” For dinner during pregnancy, green beans, chard and spinach are very beneficial. A good piece of fruit is also an excellent option to complement.

It is also advisable to drink some type of infusion (chamomile, mint, pennyroyal, spearmint) since this favors digestion and induces relaxation and rest.

Proposals for dinner during pregnancy

First courses

To dine during pregnancy in the correct way, it is best to opt for cooked vegetables (broccoli, potatoes, green beans, carrots), vegetable creams (zucchini and cheese, carrots and celery, leeks, asparagus), fish soup, Vegetable consommé, tuna salad and yogurt sauce, zucchini pancakes, vegetable table, beet salad, apple and chicken salad, stuffed tomatoes, and so on.

Second courses

Chicken or turkey burger, grilled or papillote fish (hake, sardine, salmon, rooster, sole, sea bass), grilled turkey or chicken breast, spinach scrambled with prawns, turkey omelette, cheese, York ham , aubergines stuffed with tuna, among others.

What to have for dinner during pregnancy?


The best options for a pregnant woman are: a yogurt with fruit, a few small cubes of low-fat cheese with cherry tomatoes, a good fruit salad, a baked apple, and, of course, compotes.

It is essential to avoid those desserts that contain a large amount of simple sugars, as these are harmful to the body, according to a study published in the “Journal of Hepatology”.

Recommendations for feeding during pregnancy:

  • During pregnancy it is important to cook food well. We must avoid ingredients that are raw or undercooked. They can cause us illnesses that could be harmful to our baby and to ourselves.
  • We must take into account the level of folic acid, calcium, iron, omega 3 and vitamins, since they are very important for health.
  • We have to eat 5 meals if we suffer from vomiting or reflux and eat less and more often.
  • Avoid frying and mainly use the iron, the oven and the steam.
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables and legumes, but it is best to avoid them at dinner.
  • Skimmed or semi-skimmed dairy products.
  • Avoid pastries, fatty meats and sweets. If you feel like it, take them on some specific occasions.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, water, natural juices, and milk.
  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle.

Optimize your dinners during pregnancy

Yes, it is possible to enjoy light, healthy and satisfying dinners. Always eating a balanced diet will provide enormous benefits to both us and the baby.

From now on, there are no more excuses for not taking care of yourself during pregnancy. With these examples you can encourage yourself to try extremely delicious recipes. After all, it is not that difficult to figure out what to eat at night.

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