What Is Really Discipline?

What is really discipline?

Discipline is a recurring theme in the education of children, many parents wonder how to teach it to their children, or if they are doing well to impose it. However, we are not always motivated to know what this element is about. In fact, is discipline what we think?

What we need to know is that discipline encompasses a series of actions destined to educate, guide development and promote self-control ; Although this element is associated with children, in reality the disciplinary measures are aimed at training us or training someone in any activity or habit.

In this sense, when we refer to education, it is the children who best motivate us . Adults can be educated, but to form good men, one must begin from childhood. Although children need to define themselves according to their personality, guiding behavior facilitates other learning.

So, you must have discipline to learn any skill. For this, behavior must be modified in each constituent element of said skill. Therefore, for the school or the family to stabilize, a touch of order is needed.

With discipline we mold the men of the future

Children have no past or future, so they enjoy the present, something that rarely happens to others.

One of the main motivations that parents have to teach discipline to their children is that we want to be sure that they will act in the right way even when we are not looking at them. If we extend this premise, the same concern motivates us to guide them to behave in the same way also when they are men and women.

Some parents become afraid of over-disciplining, this is understandable and should be regulated, but it is correct to guide them in good behavior without any shame. There is also the case of those who do not feel remorse for educating excessively, but they cannot be sure if they have achieved respect or fear.

The work of discipline is tough and has very challenging challenges, but it is undoubtedly the most important, because in addition to promoting family coexistence, it also ensures that the heirs of the world are trained. When a method has been established for children to assume their duties and regulate their behavior, other training processes are facilitated.

Discipline is taught gradually, day by day from birth, and intensifies as the child understands the rules better. It is necessary to remember that the methods vary with the age and the capacities of each stage, in addition it is necessary to renew them so that they adapt to the demands of the time.


Discipline and respect vs severity

Severity tends to win any fight, but only that, a fight …  It is common for parents who resort to excessive methods to guide their children’s behavior, lose much more than they gain, because even if they manage to “discipline” their children These can develop feelings of abused people.

In this sense, an injured person can express harmful emotions to the family, is fearful and can hardly come to feel respect or esteem for their abuser. Therefore, parents who are harsh do not get the same results as those who are more considerate of their children.

To discipline it is necessary to respect the individualities of each person and the rights must also be respected. The key to achieving this is to be fair, because if we act correctly it should not matter that our children refuse, ignore us and label us outdated.

To overcome this parenting challenge, it must be recognized that discipline really is:

  • Self-control to teach others to self-control.
  • Impart justice in successive actions from infancy to adulthood.
  • Respect rights, but establish rules of coexistence appropriate to the context.
  • Apply real and firm orientation methods.
  • Establish clear and feasible rules.
  • Be flexible, but not weak.
  • Practice observation and tolerance at Buddha levels.
  • Organize busy activities for children, in order to prevent them from diverting behavior.
  • Be the example of what we want our children to be.
  • Make corrections responsibly and at the right time.

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