What Are The Corners In The Nursery?

Nursery spaces are changing little by little, and all the benefits it brings are interesting! Discover what the corners of a nursery are right here.
What are the corners in the nursery?

At present there are many methodologies used by nursery schools when it comes to achieving its objectives. Among educational projects, routines, themes and workshops, the corners in the nursery have become especially important, so today we know their use and importance.

When looking for nursery for your child, you have to take this detail into account, the conventional classroom as we knew as mothers is history. Now educational centers seek to differentiate themselves using new methodologies that have proven their effectiveness, and the corners are a perfect tool in this regard.

What are the corners in the nursery?

Since most of the nurseries have decided to optimize spaces looking for more versatile designs, the distribution of spaces, areas, material and even time and furniture has given rise to the corner, a very useful alternative solution.

In this case we can define the corner as a place that can be permanent, whose use is intended for defined activities such as reading, cooking, manual play, a workshop, a shop, etc. It is implemented for individual use or in small groups while the rest of the class performs other actions.


That is, in the corner, the children organize themselves into small groups and develop other types of projects in parallel to the rest of the group. Their destiny is usually a greater manipulation of objects, development of creativity, facing everyday situations, learning to satisfy certain needs, etc.

For this reason, the corners are implemented in specific locations in the classroom, usually away from the center, facilitating the conditions of active participation of each child in the class. In reality, it is a formula that helps organization and personalized and individual education according to the needs of each student, which is of special importance and relevance in boys in the age ranges of 2 to 6 years.

The goal of the corners in the classroom

We can elucidate different objectives of the location of different corners in the classroom, the most striking being:

  • Promote a more global development of each child
  • Encourage planning, initiative and mental activity
  • Help in training facilitating meaningful learning
  • Provides the child with curiosity, creativity and research eagerness
  • Facilitates the performance of useful activities or that they perceive as practical
  • Increase the child’s chances of interaction and communication with the group, the educator and the rest of the classmates
  • They favor logical language and communication
  • It favors the construction of a personal reality
  • Facilitates movement within the classroom
  • Encourage activities that improve their motor skills and expressiveness
  • It favors a more active, close and attractive school
  • Covers your needs for play, self-centeredness, activities, etc.
  • Allow children to express themselves more freely
  • It promotes the acquisition of habits, norms of group behavior, expression of feelings or control of emotions.

How the corners are distributed and used in the nursery

To achieve all the advantages that the corners in the nursery classroom provide, it is not enough to prepare each space with care and little else. You have to know how to implement it and use it so that the child benefits from its advantages.

If a symbolic play corner is established, it can be used as a place for the child or small group to carry out activities freely, developing different roles related to their closest environment. They can be disguise actions, performances as if they were doctors, hairdressers, etc.


Another effective corner is the plastic one. Always located in a non-transit area in the classroom, with good lighting and water nearby for proper cleaning, it is an excellent place to encourage creativity using paints, mud, watercolors, brushes and all kinds of related material. Remember to babi the children and protect the furniture well.

Other corners that are usually used in class are mathematical logic, which helps to improve logical thinking, computer science, with tools such as the computer, the library, where the child finds books, etc.

Thus, the corners are stimulus areas for each child to develop their skills, abilities and skills. They do it individually, finding pleasure and fun in each activity they do. Surely one of them ends up becoming his favorite place in the nursery.

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