We Are Daughters Of The Moon, Mothers And Above All, STRONG Women

We are daughters of the Moon, mothers and above all, STRONG women

Women are daughters of the Moon, goddesses who understand cycles, brave ladies who run with wolves, wise in intuitions, architects of emotional wisdom … We may be that and much more, but what the woman who has known knows above all given birth or raising a child, is to be strong.

Throughout history and through all that wonderful legacy that anthropology leaves us, the archetype of the figure of the woman linked to the image of the Moon has always been present . This image has undoubtedly been justified by our cycles and by those changes experienced by our beloved and always magical amber satellite.

The Full Moon, full and full of life and light, symbolizes the woman who is a mother, it is the engendered seed that offers its fruit, that offers life. At the same time, and no less interesting, the Moon also collects many of those “almost mystical or magical” images that tend to characterize the female personality so well. Dimensions such as empathy, intuition or the sphere of the emotional world are details also linked to the goddess Selene.

Now, in view of the fact that in our day to day we are very focused on our earthly world, on the rumor of our routines, obligations, pressures and multiple concrete and objective tasks, it  never hurts to remember a little these somewhat supernatural ties and inspirational that, without a doubt, can come in handy and by way of inspiration, at a given moment. We suggest you reflect on them with us.

The Moon and the Woman: both feminine, cyclical and life-giving

We have to admit it. History, legends and those cultural constructions that nurture our world have always wanted to separate our reality between what is feminine and what is masculine. Thus, the Sun has been given a male image, while the woman has been united since ancient times with the Moon.

It should be said first of all that in essence, all, both men and women share characteristics of both stars. We are all strong, we all give light, we all experience changes, we are intuitive and we know about emotions. Therefore, making this point clear, let’s detail a little that more differentiated or traditional legacy that history, legends, archetypes have offered us …

The woman, the Moon and its phases

  • New Moon: represents birth and is associated with ovulation, with awakening and the transition from girl to woman.
  • Crescent moon:  This beautiful image already represents the “maiden, the young woman who feels already prepared for love.
  • Full moon  She is the “mother”, she is the pregnant woman who guards, gives life and nourishes this new creature from within.
  • The Waning Moon it symbolizes the mature woman, that lady endowed with great wisdom, who enjoys her power, her introspection and her status, a woman who has already reached menopause guides younger women as well.
    woman with moon and star

    Women are “moons” who learn to harmonize, to take care of themselves, to rise up and strength

    If there is something really beautiful that these archetypes teach us where the feminine and the figure of Luna share a very close bond, it is without a doubt these dimensions on which to reflect:

    Have you ever stopped to think how essential our little satellite is to planet Earth? That big round rock that looks at us from space directs the tides on Earth with its force of gravity. Its force of attraction and its distance are precise and adequate so that everything we know is not submerged under the ocean.

    • As a woman you have a wonderful power, strength and ability to improve everything around you. You must therefore be aware of that internal energy that you focus on your being, on your will, on your experience.

    On the other hand, beyond assuming that a woman’s life is marked by cycles -especially regarding menstruation- there is something much more essential.

    • We refer to our ability to heal ourselves, to harmonize with ourselves, knowing ourselves, understanding what is good for us and what is not, fighting for what we love, striving to take care of ourselves so that we can give the best to our children, our partner, family , friends…

    Last but not least, remember something even more magical. You are a woman and you are the Moon, but in this universe we all cohabit in balance, we must all offer our energy for harmony to work, and yours is undoubtedly one of the most important. In the past, women were called witches or sorceresses, perhaps because they knew the secrets of nature, of plants, of how to bring children into the world …

    Today we are that and much more. We are not just couples, wives, daughters, sisters or mothers. Above all, you are a woman, someone who fights every day for your happiness and that of yours.

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