This Short Will Teach Your Children To Defend Themselves From A World Of “pins”

This short will teach your children to defend themselves from a world of "pins"

“Tumbleweed Tango” is a wonderful Disney short film where through a character as fragile as he is brave, we are taught that in life, in this world so full of pins, what can and must always save us is love.

You have to enjoy this short animation of just over three minutes in the company of your children. Not only will you be captivated by the magic of the music, of that fascinating tango that captivates and excites, but the children will instantly empathize with that “balloon dog” that with poise and security, tries to make its way through a complex field inhabited by cacti with razor sharp spikes.

Something that this short suggests to us and that the little ones will know, is that we too are surrounded by the odd invisible enemy from which we have to defend ourselves every day. Our world as adults allows us to have, without a doubt, many many more strategies than children to face these situations, since we have acquired them with time and experience.

However, our children still have that fragility where the “pins” of their closest surroundings can do them a lot of damage. Consider, for example, the complex world of schools, bullying, bullies, or even this society that, through insensitive teaching methods, bring unhappiness to our children.

“Tumbleweed Tango” invites us to reflect on all this, we invite you to enjoy it, not without first delving into some small aspects.

To defend ourselves from a world of pins, the best thing is love

Love moves mountains, love nourishes, offers security and that exceptional courage where we can make our way through our own fields of threatening cacti.

As that famous phrase usually says, all of us are like emotional balloons trying to defend ourselves from a world of pins. The curious thing about this expression is that we all identify ourselves immediately through our own personal experiences, however, we forget one thing: the most fragile period of the human being is childhood, where love is the authentic basis for all problems.

short world of pins

Love should confer courage, not fear

Let’s think, for example, of some of those common situations that our children experience. When they come home crying because a classmate has threatened our son with a beating , or when through tears, they tell us that they can no longer handle their duties, that they feel overwhelmed and exhausted.

In these cases we have to give them our full support, but intelligent love is not the one that decides to create a bubble of self-protection in the child, preventing, for example, from going to that school again because on a specific day they have had a “run-in ”With a partner.

  • The world has pins and it is in childhood that children tend to find themselves the most complex, which depending on how they react, will offer them more or less adequate strategies to continue “surviving” in these contexts.
  • The love we give to our children must be a courageous and responsible love. Give your child the courage, assertiveness and security to face those bullies at school, reminding him that you will always be with him, supporting him.
  • Also remind him that life is effort and responsibility. The study, the homework are the responsibility of oneself, and although they will always have our support, it is they who must make their way on their personal paths to learn from the stumbles, as well as from the triumphs obtained.
short world of pins

The power of love, trust and creativity

In “Tumbleweed Tango” we are going to meet a balloon dog who ends up facing fear with confidence and a touch of wonderful creativity. The dance, and especially a tango, gives him that precision in his movements to avoid each threat, each pin, each incisive prong of those cacti.

  • The power of love is what nourishes us to give us wings on our feet and enough poise in our hearts to face the hardships that life likes to bring us from time to time. Children are not immune to adversity, far from what we think childhood is not always a guarantee of happiness and balance.
  • Every boy and every girl faces their own fears and insecurities every day. Growing up is not easy if you don’t have good confidence and good self-esteem. This is where our true work as mothers and fathers is: to give the world strong, free, mature and happy children so that they can make their way in their own ways, always feeling loved.

    It is a wonderful adventure that we must live with good inner music. With the melody of security, resilience and poise that nothing is impossible when you truly love.

    Enjoy this short with your children.

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