The Possible Negative Consequences Of Reinforcement

Reinforcement can be a great strategy in the education of the little ones. But, applied incorrectly, it can have undesirable consequences.
The possible negative consequences of reinforcement

Reinforcement is one of the most widely used behavioral techniques in the education of children. Its popularity has increased in recent years, as it is a more positive alternative to punishment, with fewer unwanted effects and more effective in the long term. However, if not applied properly, the negative consequences of reinforcement can become significant.

Any technique or strategy that we use in raising children must be framed in a context of love and respect for them. As parents, we must always bear in mind that the ultimate goal is to form autonomous people, with confidence in themselves and capable of functioning in the world, not just obedient beings.

Therefore, we must take into account the possible situations in which reinforcement can lead to inappropriate results.

The possible negative consequences of reinforcement

Father playing with his daughter with great affection.
Little girl playing with dads nose, connection between children and parents

Conditional love

On some occasions, by applying the reinforcement we are transmitting to the child a really harmful message: I only love you and accept you when you do things well.

This happens, for example, if we only make ourselves available to him and affectionate when he obeys our orders. And conversely, when he behaves inappropriately, we treat him with indifference or contempt.

To educate a minor, we must remember that the only thing that can be penalized is their behavior, never their person. Thus, we can warn the little one that a specific behavior is inappropriate and apply consequences so that it does not happen again. But it is important to always do it from communication and respect.

The fact that the little one has behaved incorrectly does not imply that we should be cold, cutting or cruel with him. Thus, let’s avoid using our love as reinforcement. Love should not be conditional.

Excessive self-demand

Another of the possible negative consequences of reinforcement is that it can lead to the minor developing a high self-demand. This happens when the praise and reinforcement of parents are directed solely towards their results and not towards their efforts. For example, if we continually praise our child’s great ability in math, we can put a lot of pressure on him about it.

If everyone thinks and affirms that I am very good at mathematics, I cannot fail at that expectation. For the same reason, the minor can choose not to take risks, accepting only those tasks that he knows he will be able to solve without problem. In the end, instead of fostering your math skills, we are limiting your learning, as the pressure to not fail will lead you to avoid venturing out to try new exercises.

So, it is preferable to reinforce the effort, the process that has led to good results. We can praise your bravery, your perseverance, or your ability to try again until you succeed. It is important that you know that error is normal and acceptable, that it is allowed and that it is part of the learning process. Let’s strengthen the path more than the goal.

Empty booster

Finally, reinforcement can be detrimental if it is not supported by facts and is applied indiscriminately. Parents who make this mistake always do so from their best intention, trying to promote their children’s self-esteem. However, this is not built from empty praise, but from the recognition of the achievements and merits of children.

Father talking to his son to avoid the negative consequences of using reinforcement.

Thus, if we want to build their self-esteem and autonomy, it is preferable to entrust them with tasks and responsibilities according to their age and praise their ability to carry them out. Empty reinforcement can confuse you and make you insecure, as we are not reinforcing a specific path, direction, or behavior. The guide function is lost.

Avoid negative consequences of reinforcement

If we take the previous guidelines into consideration and try to avoid these situations, reinforcement can be a great ally in education. It is an ideal tool to carry out a positive and respectful parenting  based on fostering the capacities and qualities of the little ones instead of focusing on highlighting their mistakes.

Reinforcement makes the climate at home much healthier, happier and more harmonious, and the relationships between parents and children are more positive and solid. But, like any other strategy, we have to apply it carefully and with awareness of what we are doing and what we want to achieve.

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