The OPOL Method For Children

The OPOL method consists of parents communicating with the little one each in a different language, in order to reinforce their learning.
The OPOL method for children

The OPOL ( one parent, one language ) method is also known as “one parent, one language”, which means that each parent must speak to their children in a different language. This method will allow the little one to practice more frequently and to become familiar with the language more quickly.

How are bilingual children  ?

Learning a second language can seem complex, but if the right techniques are applied while the child is in full development, it can be simple to implement. According to an interview conducted by the newspaper El Mundo with Jill Stribling, director and founder of the English for Fun center, she highlights that,  although the ideal is to learn two languages ​​in parallel, it is also possible to learn a second language later.

According to the director, in countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium, its inhabitants speak two languages ​​simultaneously and even usually start from a very young age. In addition, he added that “bilingual children tend to be more creative, develop their brains differently and have higher self-esteem.”

According to Jill Stribling, it can be a mistake to force children to respond in a certain language, because it could block their learning. Therefore, he recommends that parents be patient so that the little one can have the necessary time to learn.

How to apply the OPOL method for children

Kindergartens or nursery schools are the ideal places for the development of a second language, so applying the OPOL method can be much more effective. It can also be applied by the person in charge of caring for the little one. The following are some of the points to keep in mind when starting this method:

Use videos and songs

To start applying the OPOL method, it is essential to use videos, songs and even children’s programs in English, so the child will begin to recognize the language from an early age. This will also help you identify the various accents.

The OPOL method for children makes it easy to learn another language from a very young age.

Use both languages ​​during the day

The most advisable thing to apply the OPOL method for children correctly is that both languages ​​are used during the day at least 50% each. Because it can be a bit complex to make an exact calculation of the usage time of each one, the secondary language, at least, should be applied 30%, which is defined in at least 5 hours a day.

The importance of the environment

It is essential that the little one relates an environment or a person directly with one of the languages, so that the brain can recognize when it should focus on a certain language.

Apply routines correctly

Routines are widely necessary for learning a new language, trying to ensure that no more than two days go by without the child practicing the secondary language. It is important to remember that children learn every day, so it is essential to reinforce with daily tasks and various activities.

Activities to reinforce the language

The newspaper  El Mundo  recommends some techniques that can contribute so that the child’s learning in a certain language can be faster and more effective. These are some of their recommendations:

  • With today’s language switching options, it ‘s much easier for your little one to watch programs in English. Which is highly beneficial at this stage.
  • Watch movies in English. This will help reinforce the language and help the child relate to it more quickly.
  • Read books in the secondary language. Parents can use some bilingual books that are adjusted to the child’s age. Audiobooks are also usually very effective.
    The OPOL method proposes reading books in another language to children.
  • Do simple and fun activities. In relation to what the child learns at school, it can also be applied at home. For example, if colors are taught in English at school, parents can also handle them at home.
  • As each parent speaks to the child in one language, he or she will be able to get used to each one more quickly.
  • Download applications in another language so that children can use them. With the current use of technology, parents have at their disposal various activities and games for their little ones.

At first, it can be normal that when children are learning two languages ​​simultaneously, they can mix some words with each other, so patience and practice will be essential to be able to apply this method effectively.

Language learning in childhood

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