The Importance Of Educating With Positive Discipline At Home And In The Classroom

Nowadays, many parents consider that although positive parenting at home is essential for children to achieve good integral development, it is also essential to reinforce it in the school area. 
The importance of educating with positive discipline at home and in the classroom

Today parents are not only concerned with providing positive discipline for their children at home, but also with choosing an academic environment that allows them to achieve a good all-round development. Therefore, they look for educational centers that promote collaboration between family, teachers and students.

Generally, we understand by “integral development” not only that which encompasses the physical or linguistic, but also that which also encompasses the emotional and social. Thus, integral development is a good basis for multiple aspects in life, capable of generating well-being.

A discipline or positive parenting at home and the positive reinforcement that a school can provide with a methodology that encourages their involvement in the life and activities of the center, will help children to participate actively and be willing to assume responsibilities.

Let’s see more about this topic below.

Positive discipline, the first step towards integral development

Positive parenting or discipline consists of educating children with respect, but without neglecting firmness. In this sense, the objective of the technique is to teach them to manage kindly so that they develop good self-discipline. This will allow them to better cope with their environment, as it promotes attitudes and, consequently, healthy relationships.

The much heard “because I said so, period” when it comes to instilling discipline and good manners may seem effective at the moment, but it can leave traces in the long term.

This is because the lack of explanations leaves the child without understanding part of the situation and aspects as important as why his authority figures – mom and dad – ask him to have certain attitudes at certain times, why he should be responsible and respectful, why are there limits, etc.

To better understand this, let’s look at an example : when a child is asked to shake hands to cross the street and does not obey, saying “do it because I ask you, period” will not make him understand the importance of shaking hands with that type of situations, why it is convenient, how it benefits him and his father or mother, etc.

On the other hand, when a child is told that to cross the street he needs to shake hands with his parents for safety reasons, he will not only be more willing to cooperate, but will worry about the pattern in the future.

Choosing a good school, the second step towards comprehensive development

Mother preparing her son to go to school.

According to what we have discussed so far, it is clear that in order for children to achieve comprehensive development, it is necessary for parents and the educational community to foster a collaborative relationship.

By making children participate in situations, it will not only be easier to reach a common place, but it will also be easier to create an environment suitable for their development, as well as a more pleasant environment for them.

In this sense, it is worth remembering that when a child feels comfortable both at home and at school, they not only achieve good academic performance but also establish – and maintain – healthy relationships with their environment.

San José del Parque, an education for life

The San José del Parque school –located in the Arturo Soria area of ​​Madrid– has an educational style that adapts to the need of parents to combine positive parenting at home with a healthy academic environment, in order to help their children to achieve a good integral development.

This is because it promotes an integral vision of education, encourages the involvement of children in the life and activities of the center, so that they get to participate actively and assume responsibilities, and also makes them protagonists of their own learning process.

In addition to fostering a spirit of collaboration between parents, teachers and students, this educational center promotes bilingual learning, as it considers that it is a key complement for the integral development of students.

Kindergarten and primary education teachers have extensive experience and in addition to working on literacy, logic-mathematics, scientific thinking, imagination and creativity, they also work on emotional intelligence in the classroom, which contributes greatly to their development. integral.

Collaboration is the main key in positive discipline

Paper dolls on the grass.

As we can see, collaboration is a key piece to achieve the integral development of children. Therefore, it must not only be present at home day by day, but also in other essential spaces, such as school. 

Choosing a good school is something that every parent can raise concerns, but once the keys are known (discipline, collaboration, comprehensive development, support, communication), it is possible to assess the options in greater detail and move forward with greater security. 

How to apply positive discipline

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