The Functions Of The Bottle Sterilizer

Babies put everything in their mouths, so having a deep cleaning system for everyday objects is essential for every mother. This is even more important when it comes to the bottle.
The functions of the baby bottle sterilizer

As mothers, we will always try to provide our little ones with a germ-free environment, especially in those items that are for daily and sensitive use. That is why we must value and know the functions of the bottle sterilizer as one of the main allies of sanitation in the life of infants.

Like pacifiers, bottles are the objects that most often go straight into babies’ mouths.  Therefore, we cannot leave its maintenance and cleaning to chance, since the slightest neglect could open the door to possible infections.

The importance of hygiene

With the arrival of the baby, we must be aware that when supplementing breastfeeding with other foods and the bottle enters the ring, it must be sterilized before each use. Thus, possible bacteria that may have nested thanks to food residues and other factors are eliminated. Keep in mind that food poisoning has been shown to cause serious health problems.

Technology always offers practical alternatives to facilitate daily life, including the tasks that they do to motherhood. An example of this is the bottle sterilizer, a device that is becoming more and more common on the market and indispensable in the homes of modern mothers.

With this device, you can be sure that germs will be eliminated without problems. Although at first it may seem complicated to handle, it is the opposite. Currently, there are multifunctional models that greatly facilitate this task; they are a real ally of sanitation.

Milk banks have made it possible to reduce infant mortality in the world.

How does a sterilizer work?

Among the functions of the bottle sterilizer, eliminating germs is the main one. For this they use various methods, depending on the model. Among those that we can find in the market, are:

Cold system

These sterilizers are relatively inexpensive and very simple to use. They have the advantage of dispensing with electrical energy to work. This model  works by dissolving tablets in cold water to kill microbes.


It is a favorite for its price, size and simplicity to use. It is placed in the microwave oven directly for a few minutes;  once the time has elapsed, any impurities or bacteria are quickly and effectively removed with steam.


This requires a greater investment of money, but its practicality and speed have made it occupy a privileged place among mothers; For many, this model is definitely the best choice. The water is heated to high temperatures. The steam generated is used to remove bacteria from the bottles.

Currently, steam has become the most used method thanks to its effectiveness in eliminating any dirt and bacteria. It has even replaced toxic substances with chemical additives. Sterilizers use it for the same reasons, in addition to its speed and low cost.

Something that we must bear in mind is that the function of the sterilizer is to disinfect, it is not a dishwasher. This appliance should only be used after all parts of the bottle have been thoroughly cleaned and after having removed any traces of milk or any other food.

Other functions of the bottle sterilizer

Although it is its main purpose, the functions of the bottle sterilizer today are not limited to the elimination of germs. Many electric models come with a wide variety of features to make more of a mother’s life easier.

They take advantage of technology to help prepare bottles quickly and easily. Some even have automatic shutdown, smart design, and multipurpose features.

The functions of the bottle sterilizer are used to perfection with the model that is based on the cold system.

The multipurpose models are not limited to sterilizing the bottles, but take advantage of their ability to disinfect other small accessories such as breast pumps or baby’s pacifiers. Also, the steam operation allows the bottles to be heated in a practical way.

Another notable utility is that, in some models, it is possible to cook and steam foods;  This will be very useful when the baby begins to go through the complementary diet. Let us remember that, with this cooking method, the nutrients in the food can be better preserved.

Still, breast milk is the best food for the first 6 months of life, according to a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics . For this reason it is important to ensure that its administration is free of risks related to poisoning.

Sterilizer, a must-have gadget

Definitely, a good bottle sterilizer will become your best ally in the battle against germs. You just have to consider which disinfection system, what size and what functions and characteristics are the ones that best suit your needs; Starting from this, you will find the perfect model for you.

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