The Emotional Gift: A Useful Technique For Educating Children

The emotional gift is a useful technique to educate children in values ​​without the little ones falling into excessive consumerism and the constant desire for details and gifts.
The emotional gift: a useful technique for educating children

Suppose parents are so busy that they hardly have time to educate and spend time with children. So, they decide to fix the situation by buying increasingly expensive physical details to give to the little ones. Do you think that could replace the emotional gift ?

If we enter the maelstrom of tired parents who work all hours and replace the lack of time with their children with increasingly expensive gifts, we are making a serious mistake in the education of the little ones.

Let’s imagine that every day, since we have a conscience due to the lack of time we dedicate to the little ones, we appear with a gift. And such a gift becomes more and more expensive, or perhaps more difficult to find for the child to be surprised. But what could this situation lead to in the short and medium term?

Mother giving a kiss and a hug to her son.

The consequences of constant gifts

If we make constant physical gifts to children, the little ones can get too used to it  and lose their enthusiasm for detail and surprise. In addition, infants may want more and more and choose for themselves what gift they want each day, which can be more and more expensive, with the damages that this can entail.

Likewise, a child who constantly receives gifts ends up not valuing everything in its proper measure. He only wants physical possessions that he is not really excited about and does not pay attention to, because he has too many properties in his possession.

Remember that today children receive gifts almost constantly. There are many moments in which it is usual to give them a detail, such as their birthday, their saint, their communion, Three Kings and Christmas, etc. If this becomes a continual giving, the incentive is lost.

The importance of the emotional gift

Therefore, so that the illusion is not lost, it is interesting to opt for the emotional gift that, in addition, implies that the little one acquires values, more happiness and a true constant joy in their vital development.

To develop the theory of the emotional gift, it is appropriate to meet the pedagogue and psychologist Andrés París, who has studied a lot on the subject and has written books focused on this matter.

According to the cited author, there are very different types of emotional gifts with which we can give our children. Therefore, below, we comment some of the most interesting:

  1. Time. It is certainly important to spend quality time with children. Although we do not have many free spaces in our agenda, playing sports for a while with the little ones, telling a story or playing will be much more valued by your child than any gift. Therefore, even if you suffer stress and need work to support the family, remember to extract holes to spend a happy and fun time with the little one. It will serve as a stress reliever and a bonding tool between the two.
  2. Smiles. Sometimes it is as easy as looking at the child and giving him a smile. According to Andrés París, it is a contagious detail, since the little one also tends to laugh.
  3. Hugs. Always precious and heartfelt emotional gifts. Skin-to-skin contact reduces distances and creates very powerful emotional bonds.
  4. Notes. You can leave a small note to the boy with a loving phrase, a little drawing or a detail that you know how to interpret and that fills him with joy. Leave it where you can find it for a surprise.
  5. Applause. If your little one does something worthwhile, this is a wonderful way to show that you are with him and that you take pride in his accomplishments. It will be a fantastic detail that your child will appreciate, because he knows that he is doing things well.
    Father giving his son a kiss on the head as they read a book as part of the emotional gift for their education.

The emotional gift, a detail that is not forgotten

Take advantage of the many benefits of the emotional gift to enjoy a close relationship with your children. Thanks to these simple details, such as exchanging notes or hugs and smiles, you will be able to create a very intimate friendship full of trust capable of overcoming all the problems that lie ahead.

10 emotional gifts to give to children before the age of 10

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