The Computer: Your Child’s New Library

The computer: your child's new library

Many parents worry about the large amount of time their children spend in front of the computer  and sometimes they repeat the phrases that many of us were told when we were children: You don’t touch a book. But the truth is that your child can not only learn by reading texts printed on paper, he can also do it on the computer.

To be honest, the Internet offers you many more options than any local library, and the content you find is often more dynamic and educational. So why instead of thinking that he is wasting his time, we do not think that the computer is his new library and that sometimes he is certainly playing games, but while he does he learns.

The romantics, those who like to have and smell books, will defend the existence and usefulness of printed texts until death, but even the most passionate defenders cannot deny that you can also read a lot from the computer and that it works to store books in the same way as a library.

And to be honest, adults also spend many hours a day in front of the computer, the television or the telephone and many times we are reading news, recipes, clarifying doubts, working … and if it is about honesty we should also admit that from time to time you We keep an eye on social networks and even play for a while. Doing so does not harm the minds of adults or children, on the contrary it refreshes it.


Learning interactively is more fun

In fact, how many 1 or 2-year-olds have learned to differentiate between colors, shapes, and even words in English by watching videos on YouTube? Perhaps any number that we say can fall short, just as the expectations that many parents give to the benefit that their children can get from their daily interaction with the computer fall short.

Many children around the world learn a lot by watching videos and social networks that show and store audiovisual material are ultimately the closest thing there is to a video library. Young children learn a lot by watching videos not only because they can’t read but because it is a more fun way to do it.

And it is proven that children can obtain multiple benefits from an early relationship with computers and mobile devices, as long as it has its limits and is complemented by other activities appropriate to their age.


The computer also goes to classes

Learning does not have to be tedious or boring, and the truth is that the world that the Internet offers is much richer than many established schools provide, which is why hundreds of educational institutions are more actively integrating computer use into early childhood education.

Currently, contemporary educators consider it as a work and learning tool and use it frequently to integrate students into more modern learning processes. That is why the most sensible thing that parents can do is to recognize that the computer is there and that it has multiple advantages to take advantage of.

It would be a mistake to ignore that new technologies provide enriching experiences for our children; Remember that routine, the repetition process and activities based on the game are basic sources for the development of their skills and their learning. And it is certain that your child finds a tireless companion in the computer. If your computer is capable of storing a lot of information and keeping up with your enthusiasm like no other child or adult.

Nowadays the computer is a valuable tool to carry out certain school tasks such as writing, reading, calculating, searching for information and telling stories.  There are even applications that help your child make the most of their computer, for example there is a call called Leo con Grin which is an app aimed at children who are 4 and 6 years old and that teaches them to read through interactive games.

There are also applications that make the computer speak so that children who cannot yet read can easily use it. Although many adults know that it is not necessary for a computer to speak for a baby to use it, our children are digital natives and often know how to use technological devices better than many adults.

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