The 6 Most Recommended Movies For Children

Movies generate great interest in children, and they cannot be missing from your video library!
The 6 most recommended movies for children

We know that for your children you want happy moments that they do not forget, and that bring good things to their life. In addition to the happiness of the moment. What’s more fun than watching movies or a TV show with your kids? Do n’t you want to show them something they enjoy and give them a life lesson?

Movies are a weapon of focal attention for the child. One of the most used thanks to how attractive they are to them. Children often remember the stories of their favorite characters and even try to imitate them. 

What do you have to take into account when choosing a movie?

Movies, as you know, have special themes, dedicated and directed to a particular audience depending on their content. In this sense, it is not only necessary to take into account the ages to which they are directed, they also vary in tastes, attitudes and aptitudes.

Therefore, there are also so-called smart movies. They are the ones that have an impact on both the cognitive and emotional dimensions, attract the child’s attention and direct it from the beginning.

That is why, when a child leans more, for example, for the environment, he chooses a movie that has to do with the same thing. Or, when they are more inclined towards sports, they choose movies that include this activity.

The most successful movies for children of all time


Here are some examples of movies that can be very productive for your child. That they can activate your brain, that stimulate your creativity or that simply provide a moment of healthy entertainment:

1. Toy Story. This is a movie that shows one of the most common attractions for children: toys. In addition to this, it shows the meaning of one of the most valuable things that a child should ideally learn from a young age, friendship and the value of people and generosity.

2. The lion king. In this film you will show your child love for animals, their conservation, admiration for them and above all the value of family and their union. You will learn to value more what little or much you have and to give true love to your family nucleus. You will see that they are the beings who are always by your side unconditionally.

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3. How to train your dragon. Your child, with this film, will learn to know before judging. One of the central ideas of this film is that the opinions of others do not always reflect reality, but that you have to get a little closer to others to build an image of who they are without prejudice.

More movies that you cannot miss

These films cannot be missing from your video library either:

1. Burger Rain. Your child will understand that not always the first attempt will get what he wants for his life, and that it is necessary to make mistakes, in order to learn and improve in life. You will learn that in the middle of the road and the attempts you make, you may suffer, or worry. But in the end, regardless of whether your goal deviates or not, you will feel satisfied and at ease with your results. The lesson: there is no worse attempt than one that is not done.

2. The Lorax. This movie will teach your child to take advantage of each element that nature provides in the best possible way, in order to survive. You will learn to pay more attention to the advice of those with more experience in life who can teach you which way to go when the waters are rough.

3. Harry Potter. Through this plot, your child will know one of the most valuable aspects and qualities for just being a child: dreaming. In addition, this film will teach you to understand that a family should always be united, even if it is not in physical form, it is its emotional and sentimental value that gives it strength and real vitality.

Movie Night

The content has to be appropriate for the age of your children

The above are just a few examples of the movies that will undoubtedly leave a mark on your child’s memory. They will strengthen many of your values ​​and aspects that sometimes are not highlighted as they should be due to activities that do not demand much attention or importance.

Before watching a movie with your children, make sure for yourself that the content is age appropriate. The values ​​you want to highlight and the appropriate themes at each stage of life will only be received if your child understands what he sees.

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