Teaches The Child To Speak And Behave Correctly

Communication and behavioral skills are essential for your child to be successful in life. Learn how to help them in these aspects!
Teaches the child to speak and behave correctly

To speak and behave correctly is to put into practice the correct use of the language and the rules of formal education to communicate with our peers.

Being polite at all times gives a good impression of us, enables us to make ourselves understood correctly, and makes us feel proud of ourselves.

Teach your teenager to speak and behave properly. In you are mom we show you how to do it.

Verbal and corporal expression for good communication

Every day human beings communicate in different ways, although sometimes we are not aware of it.

Our body is an excellent transmitter of moods, so with movements and gestures we are able to provide feelings and ways of thinking.

An important role in sending and capturing messages is also played by articulated language, which if not used correctly has no effect and has the opposite effect.


Mom, you should know that the changes of the times impose other forms of expression subject, of course, to the way of saying of the new generations.

But this does not mean that the change of era must also accept the misuse of language as contemporary.

Vulgarity, vulgarity and bad words have nothing to do with how current or outdated it is and that you must transmit to your child.

Being rude and rude to those around us and using violent gestures when we speak to them make us despicable human beings. Tell him that too.

Why is it necessary to speak correctly?

Articulate language arose out of the need to express ourselves. Thanks to him we can achieve an exchange of ideas and feelings with other human beings.

When we communicate we try to make ourselves understood by others, thus, we create a flow of information that becomes reciprocal by also paying attention to our interlocutors.

Through articulated language, a clearly human faculty, we speak, hear, emit and capture ideas, always using the language we hear in our environment.

But if we don’t express ourselves well, if we use phrases and words that a certain group uses, those who are outside of it will not understand us.

If we use indecencies when speaking, very few will want to hear our opinions, they will not like being near us, spending time together and, even less, debating any topic.

Tell your teenager that swearing is not going to make him more popular, grown-up, or rude … quite the opposite.

Show him that when you talk, everything is easier if understanding comes from both parties.

Why is it necessary to teach the child to behave correctly?

Good manners at all times say a lot about who you are and how much can be expected of you.

Next, we offer you a brief summary of some manners and behaviors that you can transmit to your son so that he behaves like the little man you expect.

Mom, tell your child that:
At dinner he should not take food with his hands, or play with it using silverware. Throwing food at any diner is also in very bad taste. Likewise, you must know how to use the fork to poke food towards the spoon and not use your thumb for that.
Be tolerant with those around you even if they not infrequently take you to the limit of losing control


When conversing or in front of the public you should avoid making faces, inserting your fingers in your nose, spitting, or scratching your head insistently. Nor should yawned without covering his mouth, sneezing without covering his mouth and nose, and throat clearing excess
• If standing and slightly leaning against a wall should not raise one foot and lean on it with the soles of shoes
• You must learn to give thanks
Gesticulating excessively is not recommended, yelling or speaking in a tone that is much higher than others
• Never turn your back on the interlocutor, interrupt him, or constantly look away when he speaks. Listening and commenting on the ideas of those who speak to us denote good manners
• You must say hello when you arrive at a place and say goodbye when you leave
• When you drink you must do it silently
If you chew gum, do so with your mouth as closed as possible
• You must learn to offer Apologize, ask for forgiveness, and acknowledge your mistakes when necessary.

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