Stages Of The Baby’s Evolution In His First Year

How is the evolution of the baby in its first year? What achievements do you get every month? This article explains the development of the baby in each month from birth to one year old.
Stages of the evolution of the baby in its first year

The evolution of the baby in its first year of life is very great. The child goes from being a newborn baby who is barely awake, to achieving enormous psychomotor advances throughout that first year.

During this first year, the child will learn to establish relationships with his environment. He will begin to master his body, his movements, to communicate through babbling and to say his first words. Do you want to know how is the evolution of the baby in its first year?

How is the evolution of the baby in its first year

Let’s see what things children can do about their age during their first year. One important thing is that you should not worry if there is something that your child does not do, because each child is different and each has their own rhythm.

The objectives end up achieving them sooner or later. So if you don’t do it in that particular month, you will surely do it later!

First stage of the evolution of the baby in its first year

Mom with her newborn baby in her arms, following its evolution in its first year of life.

First month

  • He communicates by crying when he’s hungry, wet, or needs Mom’s or Dad’s arms.
  • During this month, the baby moves his eyes looking for light and reacts to loud noises by stretching his legs and arms (Moor reflex).
  • It presents involuntary movements (reflexes), the suction of everything that comes close to its mouth, closes the foot if you touch the sole and closes and opens the fingers of the hand.

Second month

  • Starts to smile at external stimuli, such as seeing familiar faces.
  • You can start thumb sucking.
  • Make the first sounds to get attention.

Third month

  • He is very interested in visual stimuli, especially bright colors.
  • The first babbling begins.
  • He shows interest in everything that happens around him and begins to turn in the direction of sounds.

Fourth month

  • He begins to hold his head and pay attention to his hands. When he holds the rattle or any object, he shakes it.
  • He begins to laugh regularly and is attracted to people (faces that smile at him).
  • He does not like to be alone.

Second stage of the evolution of the baby in its first year

Baby with teether for the formation of teeth.

Fifth month

  • The babbling increases and he likes to hear himself very much. Play with the sounds it makes.
  • Some children begin to have their first teeth.
  • He turns around and grabs his feet.
  • Begins to distinguish colors.

Sixth month

  • While on his stomach, if he receives help, he can sit up fully and already turns over on his own.
  • He takes the bottle with his hands, passes the objects from one hand to the other and begins to ask with his little arms to take it.
  • He begins to show more interest in his feet by putting them in his mouth.

Third stage of the evolution of the baby in its first year

Mother talking with her son and considering the pleasure principle.

Seventh month

  • You can now sit without support.
  • He has greater agility in his hands and he touches and manipulates everything.
  • Begins to pronounce single syllables.
  • At this stage , learning goes much faster.

Eighth month

  • Begins to show fear for strangers ; I may even cry
  • If he is lying down, he can roll over by himself and likes to play on the floor a lot.

Fourth stage of the evolution of the baby in its first year

Baby playing with the treasure basket during its evolution in the first year of life.

Ninth month

  • He likes to pick up his toys and throw them to experiment.
  • You can sit without restraint for 15 min.
  • Some children begin to crawl in this month and others do not, but this is totally normal.

Tenth month

  • You can now stand up by holding onto some objects.
  • He begins to say his first words “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”.
  • He likes to make noise by hitting anything.
  • He’s already starting to wave.

Fifth stage

Eleventh month

  • You are already beginning to say words and use them meaningfully ; You already understand the meaning of words like “give me”, “more”, “no” .
  • You can start walking by yourself with the help of furniture or holding onto an adult. You do not have to force him to walk if he does not walk alone.

When I am a year old

  • If there has been no crawling, at the turn of the year you can begin to take your first steps. If there has been crawling, they can start walking a little later.
  • You can now get up and sit down if you are standing up and feeling tired.
  • He already uses his thumb and index finger to pick up small objects.
  • He is very receptive to signs of affection and he begins to give them.
  • It takes everything that it finds in its path ; Now is the time to avoid putting any object that may be dangerous or we do not want it to break within reach.

On the evolution of the baby in its first year

These are the stages of the evolution of the baby in its first year. But this does not mean that all children do it at the same time or at the same pace. Some things can appear a month before or a month later and it is totally normal.

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