Spoon Recipes For Babies From 6 To 9 Months

The following recipes are very easy to prepare and are an excellent nutritional contribution for your baby. Go ahead and prepare them and you will see what good results you get!
Spoon recipes for babies 6 to 9 months

To help you plan or supplement your little one’s diet, here are some spoon recipes for babies from 6 to 9 months. These will indicate which are the most appropriate foods for this stage of their development, as well as the most friendly ways of cooking and presentation for their organism.

At this stage it is recommended to introduce the new foods in a very leisurely way ; In other words, the ideal is to introduce a new food once a week and in moderate quantities, so that the baby can get used to its taste, smell and texture. In this way, we will be able to effectively expand your diet.

Measures and spoon recipes and feeding babies 6 to 9 months

The baby's first porridges should not be sweetened or salted.

In addition to being patient when making the baby eat, it is also important to implement certain measures to achieve our goal. The most important measures are the following:

  • Use fresh and quality food.
  • Handle food with the highest possible hygiene.
  • Avoid salting, over-seasoning as well as adding sugars. Using these types of nutrients could be harmful to the baby in the medium term, according to research published in the  Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition.
  • Avoid combining more than 2-3 foods, since it can be too shocking to taste and difficult for the body to digest.
  • Never serve excessively hot or cold foods, ideally they are warm so that the baby feels more willing to eat them.
  • Cook meats preferably steamed or baked to avoid being difficult to digest and having excess fat. Also to keep the most of its nutrients.
  • Use plastic or silicone teaspoons to avoid irritating the baby’s gums with rubbing.
  • Pay attention to possible adverse reactions when eating a certain food.
  • You can accompany the porridges, creams and soups with a small piece of bread, but you must chop it into pieces that the baby can chew without problems.

The most suitable foods

As for the most suitable foods for this first stage of expanding the diet, it is recommended to opt for the following vegetables such as: carrot, squash, pumpkin, zucchini, potato.

On the other hand, fortified baby cereals, oatmeal, wheat pasta, and white rice are a good option. The fact that they contain essential nutrients like omega 3 could be beneficial for growth, according to research published in the journal  Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids. 

In the case of fruits, the most appropriate are: pear, apple, banana or plantain, peach and mango. In the following spoon recipes for babies from 6 to 9 months you can find them.

Spoon recipes for babies 6 to 9 months

1. Mango and banana puree


  • 1 banana
  • 1 small handle.
Spoon recipes for babies 6 to 9 months.


  • Remove the skin from the banana and the mango.
  • Cut the fruits into large pieces and place them in the blender or food processor.
  • Blend until you get a more or less thick consistency, with very few lumps. 
  • A possible variant of this recipe can be, instead of mango and banana, mango and white rice.

    2. Pumpkin puree or squash

    These are one of the most nutritious and fiber-rich vegetables for 6-9 month old babies. They can be cooked both in the oven and steamed. You just have to remember that it is preferable to use them very tender.

    Do not forget that, in spoon recipes for babies from 6 to 9 months it is necessary to remove seeds and large lumps that can pose both a danger and an obstacle for the baby when eating.


    • 1 small pumpkin.
    • Water (the necessary amount).


    • Cut the pumpkin in half or into several pieces; This cut is used to remove the seeds with a spoon and thus proceed to cook them in a saucepan with water until they soften.
    • When finished cooking it is processed in the blender. The density of the puree will depend on the amount of water added.
      Spoon recipes for babies 6 to 9 months.

      3. Chicken porridge

      Unlike puree, the porridge has a much smoother consistency. And since chicken is the ideal meat to include in the diet of the baby’s first months of life, it is advisable to prepare a chicken porridge. Its protein content will greatly promote the development of the baby and strengthen its immune system.


      • 3 chicken breasts, boneless
      • 2 cups low sodium chicken broth.


      • Heat a pot.
      • Place the chicken in a saucepan and add the broth until the pieces are completely covered.
      • When it comes to a boil, reduce the flame a little and let them cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. Care must be taken that the broth is not completely reduced so that the chicken pieces do not always become dehydrated.
      • Once the time has elapsed, the chicken pieces must be chopped into very small pieces and processed in the blender along with the broth until obtaining a porridge.

      Prepare spoon recipes to introduce the baby to the complementary diet

      Spoon recipes for babies from 6 to 9 months are very easy to prepare and provide an excellent nutritional contribution, therefore, they should be incorporated into their diet. We must remember that, although they seem unappetizing due to their low salt content, we should not add seasonings at this stage.

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