Safe Social Networks For Your Child

Safe social networks for your child

Social networks have reflected their dark side on several occasions and many times the smallest are the great victims of the security flaws in some environments. However, it is not advisable to completely isolate your child from that environment. Doing so can make him a much more vulnerable person, so before isolating him it is convenient that you study some of the safe social networks that exist.

Perfect social networks for children

The ease of access to information, anonymity, the possibility of spreading a message immediately or the lack of Internet privacy are some of the issues that most concern parents with respect to some social networks.

However, there are exceptions. There are social networks that are designed specifically for children and to alleviate the concerns of parents, these are some:

Banana Connection

It is a social network that is aimed at children from 7 to 12 years old and is available in two languages: English and Spanish. “Enter and explore a world full of fun and creativity”, encourage the creators of this project to its potential users.

This children’s social network consists of allowing you to discover and listen to music, organize videos from YouTube and create a digital community, there are only some specifically detailed requirements. For example, not to collect information or content from other users, not to impersonate others, not to intimidate or harass others, or to post content with offensive language that incites violence or contains nudity.

On the other hand, parents can see at any time the list of their children’s friends, the photos in which they are tagged and the comments they make, without interacting directly. “Parental control is one of our main features,” explain its creators.

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Club Penguin Island: Disney’s Virtual World

This website for children is available in several languages ​​such as English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. It began in 2005 as a virtual game, but it became so popular that Disney acquired it two years later.

“Minors no longer have to wait until they turn 18 to enter a Facebook-like social network,” they point out from the Mundo Disney blog, a site specializing in news about the company.

On the Clun Penguin website, they highlight the tranquility for parents that their platform promises. They say, “We think children are amazing and deserve a safe space to play. Everything we do stems from our values ​​and our commitment to safe online entertainment. “

Gaturro and Picapon world

Mundo Gaturro is a virtual game in Spanish for children up to 12 years old and has its own social network, Picapón, and its digital video rental platform with exclusively children’s content.

It is a Latin American project that was born in Argentina and has spread to other Spanish-speaking countries. Users can upload photos, play games and interact “in a safe environment controlled by moderators.”

There is a huge universe of kids all over the world, in need of playing and socializing online. And there are many, many parents who want their children to navigate in a safe place. Picapon comes to respond to these needs. It is recommended for children over 13 years old and can be purchased from the App Store and Google Play in various countries.

Lego life

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Lego, the famous Danish toy company, has just launched a new social network, in collaboration with Unicef, and is aimed especially at children under 13 years of age, although it can also be used by adults.

The objective is to create a safe community in which children can have access to the total download of all its elements, play, watch videos and enjoy all the news and latest news promoted by Lego. Also, kids can see how other fans build their creations.

The key is for children to post stories and comment on other users’ posts, although there are restrictions: only with emoticons. In order to access this peculiar social network, which is currently available in 16 countries, minors need the permission of their parents.

Anyone who is under 13 years old needs parental permission to use the app, which consists of giving the mother’s or father’s email and sending an acceptance by both parties.

It does not ask for photos or personal information of children when creating a profile, nor are there any location tools, but there are automatic filters and employees that verify that it is being used in the appropriate way. The app also has creative challenges to spark kids’ imaginations, and all the ads are for Lego products.

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