Project Books, Discovering Our Surroundings

The world of science, history, animals or the Earth comes to children’s books in a different way to learn by playing.
Project books, discovering our surroundings

One of the best tools to discuss such interesting topics with children as science, nature or history is through books. Children’s books provide little ones with new data and information, also awakening their curiosity to want to know more. More specifically, this time we will focus on a collection of these informative books, a collection called Project .

Project book collection

Science, nature and history are subjects that are studied in the classrooms throughout the school stage, beginning with very simple aspects and then starting to reel them out.

For this reason, this fantastic collection of books will help educators and parents to show children, in a different and playful way, all the curiosities that these topics offer.

What will we find in the Project book collection  ?

The Project collection is made up of four titles that deal with the following topics:

  • Egypt.
  • Science.
  • Insects
  • Land.
    Very curious child learning at home with the telescope after reading some of the Project books.

Recommended for children over the age of seven, each of the books has a similar structure. In each of the double pages, the little ones will be able to find surprising facts, information and curiosities about the theme that has been chosen in the form of a game, since they have different flaps to lift to learn more.

In addition, the interesting text on each of the pages is accompanied by numerous illustrations and photographs. However, there are two other aspects that characterize this collection of books, in addition to being the ones most liked by children.

On the one hand, each of the books contains in the center of its pages a large fold-out that will fascinate young and old alike. On the other hand, in addition to being informative books, they are also a game type.

In each of the titles, the children will be able to carry out different activities related to the chosen theme, such as creating an Egyptian board game or building a rocket ship.

Ancient Egypt Project

One of the parts of the story that most often attracts the attention of children is that of the Egyptian world. For this reason, this book dedicated to history focuses mainly on data, information and curiosities of Ancient Egypt.

In it, children can play a traditional board game of the time or make a headdress like that of the Egyptian pharaohs. In addition to these fantastic activities and others, the little ones will be able to learn about their culture, their traditions and everything they contributed to current history.

Science Project

The fascinating and vast world of science opens up to children in this fantastic informative children’s book. Chemistry, the universe, the force of gravity or atoms will be some of the interesting topics that are covered in this book full of photographs and illustrations, so that they themselves can discover what everything they read is like.

As outstanding activities, include an explosive soda, a compass or the rocket that we mentioned before. It may be the best Project book in the collection, and the one that children will learn and enjoy the most.

Child feeding a fawn in the forest.

Insects Project

As a general rule, the smallest of the house adore animals. Among these, insects are beings that attract a lot of your attention due to the different forms they have.

With this book, children will be able to learn more about the world of insects and have more information about the animal world, since they are not beings that are usually treated in books. Without a doubt,  your activities will attract attention: an insect vacuum cleaner or bee cells are some of them.

Earth Project

In today’s world in which we live, the state and care of the environment and the Earth are two of the aspects that should matter most to us and we must care the most.

For this reason, and to teach children all the incredible phenomena that the Earth offers us just asking for care in return, this book will be the best ally. The ocean, the formation of clouds and volcanoes are some of the topics covered in it.

As for crafts, the little ones can build Big Ben or a pile with potatoes. Fun is assured!

Respect the environment through children's books

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