Pregnancy And Chocolate, Allies Or Enemies?

Do you have doubts about whether you can consume chocolate during pregnancy? Keep reading, here we tell you all the details about it so that you learn how to introduce this food into the diet.
Pregnancy and chocolate, allies or enemies?

In pregnancy, cravings are the order of the day and delicious chocolate almost always tops the list. Indulging ourselves from time to time will not be detrimental to health. Chocolate beyond its divine flavor has important benefits that we must know.

Countless textures and flavors can be extracted from cocoa and chocolate is one of them. We can find it in different presentations and with different ingredients. This food has become the favorite of many women and the detail of choice when you want to entertain a person.

In any case, we must consume chocolate in moderation, avoiding excesses; only in this way will he be a perfect ally. Unlike other sweet foods, chocolate is considered one of the healthiest, taking into account that the most recommended is dark chocolate because it has less sugar.

The benefits of chocolate during pregnancy

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We can mention some benefits of chocolate not only when we are pregnant but when we consume it at any time in our lives.

  • Chocolate has been attributed therapeutic effects such as lowering or stabilizing blood pressure thanks to a substance called theobromine that works by dilating blood vessels according to research published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
  • There is sufficient scientific evidence to affirm that thanks to the phenylethylamine contained in chocolate, its consumption can reduce the feeling of anxiety.
  • If we opt for dark chocolate, it can help improve the lipid profile thanks to its flavonoid content.
  • Provides iron, magnesium which are important nutrients during pregnancy.

We must not forget its exquisite flavor. Despite the fact that the varieties with the highest cocoa content have a bitter touch, the chocolate has enviable organoleptic qualities. It is perfect both to consume alone and to be part of a culinary preparation.

When consuming it we must take care:

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  • Do not consume it in excess, since it has saturated fat and sugar and this can affect weight gain.
  • Among its components is caffeine capable of altering the baby’s heart rate and increasing the risk of premature birth when consumed in excess.
  • In some women it can cause acidity  stomach and the best decision will be to eliminate it for a while, since this discomfort is quite uncomfortable.

When choosing a chocolate, it is always preferable to opt for those that do not contain added sugars. It is best to opt for a variety with a high percentage of cocoa, since this is the ingredient that has the flavonoids responsible for the beneficial effects that we have mentioned.

How to choose the best chocolate during pregnancy?

If we talk about flavors, all chocolates are delicious, in terms of quality or brands, there are some with manufacturing processes that give them better flavor and exquisite combinations.

However, while pregnant, we must ensure that we choose the healthiest options and that they are those recommended by our doctor.

It is generally advisable to consume dark chocolate, its taste is a bit bitter, it is not milk-based, nor is it made with high levels of sugar.  It may not be the first choice of many, but it is the one that suits us best at this stage.

This does not mean that from time to time we can not eat something different, milk chocolates are not harmful, the idea is to balance and not abuse it. In this way we take care of ourselves physically, we do not gain so much weight, and the baby will enjoy it as much as we do without any risk.

You can consume chocolate during pregnancy

Chocolate is a food that can be consumed during pregnancy. However, it is important to monitor the variety and quality of the product we buy, avoiding the temptation of purchasing an ultra-processed product that is too rich in added sugars.

The most popular chocolates often contain a large amount of carbohydrates and trans fats that are not beneficial to health at all; their consumption must be restricted or limited. However, it is possible to introduce chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa into the usual diet, this being an ingredient rich in phytonutrients essential for good health.

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