Pocahontas: A Film For Reflection

Pocahontas is a film to learn to love nature and also to learn to accept and live with all the races and cultures of the world.
Pocahontas: a film to reflect on

Pocahontas is a Disney movie that has become a classic for both children and adults. Although the film received generally good reviews, in recent years it has been the subject of debate due to the ethnic stereotypes it exposes. Regardless of the controversy, the important thing is to learn to appreciate the positive contributions that it has and to value their importance.

Pocahontas’s story

Pocahontas is the daughter of the leader of a tribe. As she has a high rank (of “princess”) her father begins to converse with her about the duties she has towards her people. However, the young woman is not yet ready to take responsibility and decides to continue her exploration of the forests.

Later, with the arrival of the English conquerors, Pocahontas establishes a friendship with a settler named John Smith. From your first meeting, you will experience a significant turn in your life.

Pocahontas and her friend the raccoon

Interesting Facts About The Pocahontas Movie

Don’t miss these cool facts about Pocahontas:

  • Pocahontas’s name means: “Silent Little One.
  • This story was written by a great team of screenwriters, among which are: Glen Keane and
    Joe Grant.
  • Pocahontas is Disney’s first indigenous princess.
  • The film was released on the big screen on June 23, 1995. It has a total duration of 86 minutes and was created with traditional animation.
  • The story is based on real events; however, it is not totally faithful to the original. It is an adaptation.

Pocahontas embodies a free young woman with a noble nature and spirit. The fact of being the eldest daughter of a great chief, leads her to develop a sense of belonging with respect to her tribe, as well as a great responsibility.

Despite being a young woman, she also shows signs of being a caring person and always ready to get ahead. On the other hand, she is a lover of nature and adventure. In the film, she appears to be possessed of supernatural (shamanic) powers since she can communicate with fauna and flora.

The importance of knowing how to listen

In the film, it is revealed how important it is to know how to listen to others at all times. In this way, good communication is promoted. However, knowing how to listen does not only imply verbal expression. It is also about knowing how to pay attention to what is happening around us.

Emotional conversation often goes unnoticed by the noise of everyday life. In order to put an end to this situation, it is best to give yourself the opportunity to pause and simply pay attention. Additionally, we can opt for mindfulness.

In other words, in this movie, the protagonist reminds us how beneficial it is to listen with the heart. This helps us to grow holistically and to take care of our emotional world (and that of others). After all, listening is also a gesture of kindness and consideration.

Pocahontas with John Smith and Grandma Willow

The underlying ecological message

Although the film revolves around the story of its protagonist, the importance of appreciating and caring for nature is exposed . When Pocahontas explains to John Smith what the connection with the environment that surrounds him is about, through the song “Colors in the wind”, she also lets him know that it is necessary to have humility and to be thankful for the land on which it stands. dwells.

Likewise, when the English conquerors set out to build a fort in the so-called “New Land” they cut down and ravaged the nature around them. Its treatment of the environment is inconsiderate and greed inspires its leader to carry out an indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources.

Beyond the historical process portrayed in the film, there is an underlying message that invites reflection about the consequences of our actions. Let us remember that man has managed to cause a disproportionate environmental impact.

The film also extends the invitation to lead a more authentic lifestyle, bet on spiritual growth and respect and use resources in a friendly way. It is not necessary to pollute in order to live. You have to know how to find the balance.

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