Parents With Autism Spectrum Disorder

There are thousands of adults with autism spectrum disorder who have formed families of their own. We talked about the challenges they face in parenting.
Parents with autism spectrum disorder

When talking about autism, most people think of a child with learning or social difficulties. Rarely does the image of an adult with this condition come to mind, much less do we think of the existence of parents with autism spectrum disorder. However, they exist and suffer stigma and invisibility on a daily basis.

Autism (in its different degrees) is estimated to affect q out of every 100 people in the world. However, it seems that attention is only paid to its manifestations during childhood. We must not forget that this disorder accompanies the person throughout his life, so there are thousands of adults who fall on the spectrum and who have formed their own family.

What is autism spectrum disorder?

Father and son with autism spectrum disorder.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that appears in early childhood and lasts throughout life. It generally affects the social and communication skills of the person, as well as their interests and behaviors.

It is important to emphasize that this new term (ASD) encompasses a series of similar disorders that previously received a different diagnosis, including Asperger’s syndrome. By using the concept of “autism spectrum” the great variability in the manifestations and symptoms between some people and others is pointed out. In other words, not all of them present the same degree of difficulty and need for support.

What are its symptoms in adults?

The diagnostic interest of ASD has focused specifically on children, since the first manifestations generally appear before the age of two.

In some cases it is possible that suspicions and medical confirmation do not arrive until the school period, where the demands of the environment exceed the capacities and strategies of the infant. However, identifying the disorder in adults does not receive as much attention as would be desirable.

For this reason, many men and women have grown up with the feeling of being different, of not understanding or of not being able to adapt to social demands, without having received a proper diagnosis. Generally, the main symptoms in adults with ASD include the following :

  • Persistent deficiencies in communication and social interaction. This includes certain abnormalities in non-verbal communication, an inability to initiate or maintain conversations normally, or problems establishing friendships. The excessive sincerity of adults with autism, their difficulty in adjusting to social conventions or in understanding humor or sarcasm, hinder their relationships with others.
  • Restrictive and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. This implies in many cases the difficulty to adapt to changes, rigid thinking and the presence of very limited and intense interests.
  • These alterations cause significant discomfort to the person and interfere with their functioning in various areas. For example, in the workplace, family or social.

    Parents with autism spectrum disorder: what are their difficulties?

    It is necessary to clarify that people with autism spectrum disorder can have children and be excellent parents. A reality that, due to the stigma associated with mental health, is often questioned. These parents may have children who also suffer from ASD or not; and in many cases they even discover their own diagnosis as a result of the suspicion of a disorder in their own children.

    As we have mentioned, these parents can present very different degrees of the disorder, so their performance in parenting (as well as in other areas of life) is also variable. However, it can be argued that these parents are as good as neurotypical parents can be. However, the great obstacle they encounter is the lack of support.

    Adult man with autism spectrum disorder.

    The need to end stigma towards parents with autism spectrum disorder

    Parents with autism spectrum disorder face several added difficulties. For example, these mothers are at higher risk of developing postpartum depression. However, having adequate support from the environment could solve this situation.

    Unfortunately, this support is not always available (even family members and close friends may disapprove of maternity or paternity of these people). And, on many other occasions, it is not sought for fear of judgment, rejection and misunderstanding. Even many parents with ASD refuse to resort to social assistance of various kinds for fear that contact with their children will be restricted.

    In view of the above, it is essential to make the reality of these families visible. Achieving greater understanding from the environment and facilitating access to the necessary resources must be a priority.

    I have autism and I can learn

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