My Teenage Son And His First Love Break Up

A broken heart does not heal easily and less if it is a first love. Become the support for your son or daughter during this difficult time, learn to listen to him and understand how he feels. 
My teenage son and his first love breakup

Love breakups often create deep pain. In the case of adolescents, it is essential that parents act as support so that they can cope with the situation. With this article we want these tips to serve as a guide, good luck!

Adolescence magnifies everything

Almost all of us in adolescence went through a love breakup and came to feel that our world was coming to an end. That pain you feel at the loss of your first love, its indifference or rejection without a doubt created feelings of restlessness, irritability, deep sadness and apathy.

When you are a teenager, stability and emotional maturity are still developing. Thus, the duty to deal with daily responsibilities added to that pain can influence all areas of young people: academic, social and family.

The process of recovering from a broken heart is not easy and will take a long time. But if you reach out to your son or daughter and become their advisor – listening without overwhelming them – you will not only help them to become stronger, but you will strengthen your emotional bond. 

How can I help my son or daughter?

Seeing your adolescent son or daughter depressed and apathetic with their obligations due to a love breakup can create a lot of concern, understanding that depending on the degree of emotional maturity your child has, their ‘lovesickness’ may last weeks or a few months.

1. Listen

Of course, it should be he or she who voluntarily decides to tell you the story of their failed relationship. You shouldn’t pressure him into talking about it if he doesn’t want to, or ask too many questions. Let him vent and, of course, avoid judgments about him or her, his behavior or his partner.

Before advising him, you should first ask his permission before issuing an opinion, and in doing so be as kind and careful as possible so that your words serve as a guide and do not sound like an attack.

2. Distract it

Another of the most important options to help your child is to keep him distracted. If within your means, take him on vacation or organize an activity  so that his mind is distracted and better cope with having to deal with routine and sad thoughts.

3. Encourage him to play sports

Exercise releases endorphins that provide immediate well-being to the body and also helps lower stress levels.  In this way your child will be able to ‘burn out’ his frustrations and little by little he will take the break better.

4. Try to get him to go out with his friends

It is frequent that after a love breakup he  isolates himself . If that is the case with your child, encourage him to go out with his friends and use those moments to escape. It is clear that the power of friendship and complicity in youth are the best support in difficult situations.


5. Don’t rule out psychological therapy

Many people stigmatize visits to psychology specialists as extreme or unnecessary. But in the case of emotional maturity and interpersonal relationships, adults often carry the bad experiences of their adolescence  for which they could not adequately heal their wounds. Later, it is common for them to develop behaviors that do not allow them to be successful in love.

That is why it is important that you do not rule out psychological therapy for your child. They will undoubtedly help you to overcome your emotional discomfort more quickly and effectively  and, in addition, they will provide you with the tools so that you can deal with breakups in the future, not only at the emotional level, but also the meaning of losses in all aspects of life.

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