My Body Was Your Nest And It Will Continue To Be Out Here Until You Want It

My body was your nest and it will continue to be out here until you want

My body was your nest, your shelter, your temporary home for nine months. My skin was later your warmth, your refuge and the way of telling you that you would always have me with you, and so it will be my son until you want it, until you run faster than me, until one day you no longer need my hand to walk by your side.

We are sure that more than one mom or dad who now reads to us, longs for those days when their baby needed so much of their closeness. Those months when our little one “nested” in the lap with his whispering breath, with his warm sobs, with his tiny hand held tightly to one of our fingers.

Those days pass quickly, we know, almost like a sigh, like a wind that comes and goes leaving us its memory. However, our body, our closeness, continues to be necessary and essential until well past 3 years, a time in which, according to the experts, exterogestation or that extrauterine development ends, where strategies as basic as carrying are essential.

In “You are Mom” we want to talk to you about it, about the need to continue being your physical refuge beyond pregnancy, to make our lap and our skin a layer of protection where we feel safe to grow optimally, happily.

My body is your home, until you tell me

Children are wise and know what their most basic needs are. Our obligation is therefore to understand and manage them properly. It does not matter that our little one is 3 or 4 years old and asks us that “I want little arm”, that moment of pampering -sometimes it is not more than 5 minutes- offers comfort, comforts and helps the little one to feel loved and restart, returning then to their games with total intensity.

We are aware that sometimes it costs, that they weigh more and more, that sometimes we have to put our tasks aside to carry them in our arms while they tell us their things, while they seek our complicity just at the moment when we are in a hurry or more tasks to accomplish.

However, remember, Those days of wanting to be in your arms pass very soon, so… why not take advantage of them?

Tie it to your body, take it everywhere in those first years of life

The baby is born with a very underdeveloped brain.  His neural connections represent barely 25 percent of what he will be able to achieve in adulthood. However, there is one fact that we must not neglect: during the first 3-4 years of life it will settle its maximum potential, almost 1,000 billion neuronal connections.

We must take advantage of this stage, and for this , nothing better than practicing carrying until we can and it is obviously reasonable and adequate. So, for example, if you are a working mom who has no choice but to be separated from her baby for a few hours, feel free to do the following:

  • When you get home after work, take your baby in your arms and tie him to your body.
  • Take it with you everywhere and allow it free access to your breasts.
  • Almost without discounting you, your little one will no longer suffer so much anxiety when you go to work. It can wait, and instantly, when you stick it to your body, you will continue to promote that exterogestation.

My body was your nest, and it will always be that lap where you can return when you need it.

Once our little ones turn 6 or 7 years old, their life is filled with more protagonists, their peers appear, those schoolmates where they can share games and new experiences. The world becomes larger before their eyes and somehow, it seems that we are no longer so essential.

However, never drift into these kinds of thoughts. Because a mother or father is always essential for their child. You are their roots, you are the person who will always guide them from the heart, who always speaks with them a sincere and close language, who always wishes them the best and who always seeks to give them the best, a piece of heaven or a piece of star if necessary.

Therefore, do not hesitate, if from the beginning you have allowed your closeness to always be their home, that your body was that little piece of nest where to take a nap, quench fears or where to comfort tears, surely when they are 10, 12 or 20 years they thank you that for a brief moment, you hug them very tightly. Just to remind them “that everything is going to be fine”, “that they are special”, “that there is no problem that has no solution” and that “they will always be loved” …

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