Mom, I Want To Change The World

Sometimes we think that children are too young to learn about sustainability or ecology. But it is important to sensitize them early on about caring for the planet.
Mama, I want to change the world

Changing the world means transforming our habits to protect everyone’s home. It implies being interested in the environment that surrounds us and fostering responsibility and respect for it. Become aware of everything we must do so that our children can also enjoy the resources we have today, and do it.

Help your child become aware of what he can do to preserve the resources we have today. Thus, one day he will tell you: Mom, I want to change the world! I want to make it a better place to live.

Teach him to recognize the call of the Earth

Mom, tell your child that the Earth speaks to us and, like any of us, he complains when he suffers from some illness. Explain that right now she is sending us a call for help so that we protect her as soon as possible.

And that alert is transmitted to us through :

  • The rise in atmospheric temperature
  •  The melting icecaps
  • The shortage of drinking water
  •  Sea level rise
  •  Drought
  •  Natural disasters
  •  The disappearance of flora and fauna species

Show him with examples

Each of these points must be evidenced by an example. Remember that he does not handle or know any of these concepts. This last topic, for example, you can explain it this way:

The hawksbill turtle is one of the oldest and most beautiful reptiles on the planet. It has a flat body, a pointed beak, limbs similar to the fins of fish, and a carapace of varying color.

The hawksbill turtle swims freely through the seas and oceans of the world. But, by using the material known as tortoiseshell in making decorative objects, man has killed many of them.

As if this were not enough, human beings also consume their eggs and their meat and throws into the sea innumerable waste that the turtle often eats and causes death. That is why this species is in danger of extinction.

Now, how can the phenomena explained above harm the earth and harm ourselves? . Let him also see it through this example.

The warming of the earth causes the ice to melt at the poles. As the ice melts, more water is released into the world’s oceans, causing the sea level to rise. The rise in sea level causes the water to rise and steal land from the coast, thus covering the beautiful beaches that they have.

The mangrove forests that we see in some areas, where thousands of species take refuge, are also destroyed. And the fresh underground waters that are attached to the coastline become brackish and impossible to drink.

Humans can heal the planet and change the world

Mom, tell your child that man is the most responsible for the damage to the environment. But who is also the one who can stop and reverse this situation.

To change the world it is essential :

  •  Plant trees and avoid indiscriminate felling
  •  Reduce emissions into the atmosphere of greenhouse gases that, for example, industries expel through their huge chimneys
  • Do not abuse the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil
  • Do not throw waste into the sea or rivers
  •  Recycle the materials we use
  •  Do not cause any harm to the species of animals with which we live and protect biodiversity
  • Throwing the garbage in the places arranged for it
  • Use all resources sustainably, recycle

Your little one should know that the Earth is a huge organism that, just as it “gets sick”, can also be cured. And that in his hands and in everyone’s is his remedy.


To change the world from today teach your child to protect the planet. Talk about the importance of man and nature living in full balance, being the former capable of making use of it without damaging it. Encourage him to be interested in topics such as sustainable development, environmental education, biological diversity or climate change.

At first it may be difficult for you to understand them, it is normal. But if he grows up knowing and putting these concepts into practice, we are sure that he will become a responsible human with his environment.

5 tips to teach children to take care of the planet

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