Mixed Breastfeeding: Everything You Need To Know

Mixed breastfeeding: everything you need to know

When a baby is fed breast milk and artificial milk, we speak of mixed breastfeeding. It is a type of feeding for the newborn chosen by many mothers. 

Although it is not usually the first option chosen by the mother, mixed breastfeeding represents the perfect formula for many women. This decision is sometimes motivated by difficulties in exclusively breastfeeding your child.

If you don’t know anything about her, it is normal for you to ask yourself: why choose mixed breastfeeding? Does it influence the development of the baby? When is it recommended? At next we will tell you everything about her.

Reasons to choose mixed breastfeeding

Typically, a mother opts for either exclusive breastfeeding or exclusive artificial feeding . The combination of both is usually the product of problems with the first, derived from any difficulty in the mother or the baby.

Mother giving sterilized bottle to her baby

There are many reasons that lead a mother to choose mixed breastfeeding as a feeding method for her baby. Normally, they can be summarized as:

  • Personal choice. Many women have a bad experience with breastfeeding and consider it appropriate to combine it with artificial feeding.
  • For the baby. Different reasons lead the baby to not be well fed with breast milk , so they require an extra contribution.

Breastfeeding vs. Mixed lactation

A key moment for a woman who has just given birth is when she places her baby on the breast for the first time. Although much is known on the subject, this moment is unique and exclusive for each mother.

Often the frustration of a bad “latch on” causes the mother to find a source of stress at the time of breastfeeding. The problem is that the more stress, the more difficult it is to breastfeed. Faced with this situation, many times it is chosen to combine it with artificial milk until breastfeeding is completely abandoned.

However, it is good that you go to your midwife with any questions you have about breastfeeding. Often times, these problems can be fixed.

When breastfeeding is not enough

Breast milk production is different for each woman. Throughout the last trimester the body is already preparing for the moment to breastfeed. After delivery and delivery of the placenta, the body is ready to breastfeed.

However, it may happen that the  demand for milk is greater than that produced by the mother or that the baby has complications to latch on well to the nipple.  These problems cause the baby to not be fed well enough.

Mixed breastfeeding is one of the methods of feeding your baby.

The normal thing is that a newborn loses weight as soon as he is born, and after the first days he will regain it without problem. If this doesn’t happen, opt for mixed breastfeeding after consulting with your doctor.

Can Mixed Breastfeeding Fail?

As a general rule, the baby will end up choosing the method that he likes the most . If not, it will be the parents who end up deciding what is most comfortable for everyone.

There is no problem for your baby to be mixed breastfeeding. Don’t worry about not exclusively breastfeeding or bottle feeding as well. However, at a certain point, you will not be able to maintain both procedures, and he or you will end up choosing one.

If you notice that your baby does not want a bottle, but your breast does, think that it is the most normal. The baby’s connection to the mother is a very special bond that is strengthened at the time of breastfeeding. If, on the other hand, he opts for the bottle, he probably does so because obtaining milk is more comfortable sucking from a nipple than from a nipple.

Feeding a newborn can seem like an act that requires so much responsibility that it ends up creating overwhelm. Relax, your baby will give you clues on which way to go. And, above all, go to the professionals who are at your disposal to answer any questions.

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