Matthew: The Story Of The Child Who Appears To Be A Newborn

Matthew: the story of the boy who appears to be a newborn

Little Matthew Riddle is a real champion. When he was born nobody gave anything for him, he barely fit in one hand, he was premature and despite the days and weeks that passed, this little boy refused to grow. But not to die. Today he is 8 months old and smiles at life with all the hopes.

Her face dazzles us and her figure undoubtedly rips out all our tenderness but also some concern. It is not for less. Because the story of this little boy from California, United States is very special and marked by a touch of sadness for parents who will undoubtedly not stop fighting for a single day for him.

Today in “You are Mom” we want to tell you the story of this formidable boy who decided to get ahead against all odds. We want to invite you at the same time to become aware of rare diseases, those silent ailments that affect millions of children around the world and are almost never talked about.

Matthew, more than just a premature child

Matthew Riddle came to this world too early. He was 28 weeks old when, already in an incubator, the doctors perceived that this small delicate and fragile body of just 500 grams did not respond normally.

Genevieve, her mother sensed it too. Her other son, Aran, was also premature, but it didn’t take long to reach two kilos. Because if all goes well, babies born prematurely respond well and grow normally. Instead Matthew did not.

The doctors did not hesitate to warn the parents: they had to prepare for the worst. However … how to do it? How can parents lose hope about their own children? They didn’t, they refused.

Matthew suffers from a rare disease

matthew baby with dwarfism

It didn’t take long for Genevieve and her husband to receive a new diagnosis: their little one would not die, indeed, the reason why he was not growing was due to a very specific and unusual disease: type II microcephalic primordial osteodysplastic dwarfism.

  • This genetic disease is usually identified already in the intrauterine phase.
  • It is common for these children to weigh slightly less than 1500 grams at birth. Matthew weighed only 500 grams, hence the doctors were not very hopeful of him.

However, against all odds, this child went ahead to the delight of his parents.

Now Matthew is 8 months old and looks like a newborn

Matthew is currently 8 months old and weighs 1,500 grams. It grows very little, in fact, this type of dwarfism causes that even reaching adulthood they never reach one meter in height.

Currently, Genevieve dress your child in doll clothes and stuffed animals given their small size. However, in recent months a toy brand is already providing him with exclusive clothing for him. Something that is undoubtedly appreciated in view of the serious difficulties that the family is experiencing.

matthew baby with dwarfism
  • The main problem they present is the interventions that Matthew must undergo. Despite his young age, he has already undergone two operations so that his slow growth does not block the functioning of two of his arteries in the brain.
  • Also, and within a short time, you will have to undergo surgery once more to avoid possible aneurysms and facilitate the correct development of your brain. Something that will undoubtedly require large financial outlays for which these parents are not prepared.

For this reason, they have been visiting various television sets for a few weeks looking for help. They have already raised about $3,000, although they need 7,000 more.

Rare diseases, a pending task in our society

matthew baby with dwarfism

Once again, it is evident the serious difficulties that all these brave fathers and mothers must go through for their children, these children affected by rare diseases.

The only thing they cry out for is dignity and equal opportunities to grow, to be part of a world where we all fit, where we all deserve to be happy within our possibilities.

  • Matthew will always be a fragile child. It will not grow, it will need help to feed itself and to move around its daily surroundings. However, with proper medical help, this child will walk, talk, and go to school like any other child. 
  • Although most children with primordial dwarfism tend to have intellectual retardation, this is not always the case. Many boys and girls with this disease enjoy their studies and get ahead.

    Matthew’s parents just hope that their child’s life is what it deserves, that of a happy boy. That he can undergo these interventions and continue with them, in that family that loves him so much and to which he responds with smiles and a look that does not want to miss anything.

    Let’s hope it is like that.

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