Is It Good To Eat Fish During Pregnancy?

It is good to eat fish in pregnancy as it has many properties, but you have to be careful with raw fish and the mercury in some of them.
Is it good to eat fish during pregnancy?

There was a time when eating fish during pregnancy was not highly recommended. When asked: can I eat fish? not a few experts preferred the answer of: better not. However, today fish-based dishes are once again popular in the diets of pregnant women due to the high nutritional value that these inhabitants of the sea, dams, lakes and rivers have.

Is it good to eat fish during pregnancy? Yes, it is good, especially some of them. In this article we intend to inform you about the contributions that they can provide you.

Blue fish

Oily fish: sardines, tuna, anchovies, horse mackerel, herring, salmon … is a source of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 influences the development, function and good health of the brain in general. In addition, recent articles have shown that it beneficially influences the intestinal microbiota, since it exerts an anti-inflammatory action.


Not a few investigations show that oily fish has a high content of polyunsaturated fats that increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood, which is why it is said that its consumption reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

This seafood product is rich in proteins and minerals such as calcium, zinc and iron; and it contains vitamins such as vitamin A that is so important for the maintenance of the retina, bone growth, the formation of teeth and the growth of mucous membranes and epithelial cells.

Other contributions of oily fish for the good health of the pregnant woman and the fetus are vitamin B1, D and E, the latter, extremely important, since it fights lung infections, stabilizes the blood glucose level so necessary especially for mothers suffering from gestational diabetes, reduces fluid retention, counteracts anemia, prevents abortion and reduces the effects of carpal tunnel syndrome.

However, during pregnancy you cannot consume all kinds of blue fish due to the amount of mercury they present, you should avoid tuna, shark, pike and swordfish.

White fish

White fish is an easy to digest food, which is why it is recommended during pregnancy, mainly for pregnant women who suffer from slow digestions.

Like blue fish, white fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, iodine, vitamin A, B vitamins and D.

Cod, scorpionfish, hake, sole, monkfish, sea bream, sea bass, bonito, whiting … are the recommended white fish during pregnancy.


Is it good to eat fish during pregnancy?

Regarding the theme of fish and pregnancy we bring you some tips.

  • Eat fish in moderation : Fish, like other foods, should be eaten wisely. Keep in mind that at this stage you have to eat in a balanced way and without excesses in terms of quantity. Although fish is an easy to digest food, remember that during pregnancy you can suffer from digestive discomforts such as slow digestion.
  • Be careful with its elaboration: Something to consider is the elaboration. The pregnant woman should eat fish that are well cooked, otherwise she could be exposed to food poisoning, such as toxoplasmois, or become infected with certain parasites that live in the fish. During pregnancy, the consumption of raw fish, smoked fish, vinegar fish … should be avoided, any that have not undergone a cooking process and are less likely to transmit pathogens
  • Choose small fish : Whenever you can, choose to buy non-predatory fish. Some experts refer to the importance of including small fish in the diet since predatory fish (usually large) feed on other fish and can harbor more toxins in their body
  • Buy fish grown in fish farms: Fish that have been raised in controlled aquaculture farms, also called fish farms, had a strict diet and were not exposed to contamination or radiation as harmful to the mother as it was to her child. Among them you can choose the pacĂș, the freshwater tilapia, the common carp or European carp, the trout and the European perch.
  • Remove the skin : To reduce the danger of contaminants, before consuming any fish, it is recommended to remove the skin because it is there where much of the toxins that it may bring is stored.

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