Hydration In Pregnant Women

Water is the medium in which many of the body’s physiological reactions take place. Ensuring a good state of hydration is key in pregnancy.
Hydration in pregnant women

Hydration is key at any stage of life, but in pregnant women it is absolutely essential. Water is the element that functions as a transporter and as a medium in which many of the body’s physiological reactions take place.

It should be noted that during the summer period or in hot climates the risk of dehydration increases. For a normal person, this condition can be fatal, but in the case of the pregnant woman, two lives are put at risk instead of one.

Water needs

Surely you already know that water is the best liquid we have to ensure a good state of hydration. It is recommended that a normal person consume between 1 and a half liters and 2 of water a day. However, in the case of pregnant women, the water needs increase dramatically. Up to 3 liters may be necessary in these circumstances.

Pregnant woman drinking a glass of water to have good hydration.

However, water intake during pregnancy does not have to come from liquid alone. According to a study published in the journal BMC , it is estimated that the water contained in food makes a great contribution to the hydration status of pregnant women.

To ensure good hydration it is important to avoid alcohol

Surely you already know that avoiding alcohol during pregnancy is essential. This happens for two reasons. First of all, we are talking about a substance that exerts a diuretic effect, it is capable of altering the water balance and generating a certain state of dehydration.

On the other hand, there is evidence that the consumption of the poison generates malformations in the fetus and problems in development. This is stated by research published in the journal Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology . What’s more, recent trials have even suggested that a woman’s regular intake of alcohol during her teens could influence the health of the fetus years later.

Soft drinks and hydration in pregnancy

In these days many people have taken the habit of consuming sugary soft drinks on a regular basis. However, this habit is really unhealthy. The sugar they contain has an impact on metabolism, increasing the risk of developing pathologies such as diabetes.

This effect is even greater in the case of pregnant women, who may already end up presenting the transitory disease known as gestational diabetes . Although being overweight before pregnancy is a determining risk factor, the consumption of sugary soft drinks during pregnancy also influences.

It should be noted that the drink of choice to guarantee a good state of hydration during pregnancy must always be water. You can consume some dairy such as whole milk as well, especially with the aim of relieving heartburn. However, in no case should mineral water intake be substituted routinely.

For those women who are in the habit of drinking soda, it may be a good transition strategy to substitute sparkling water. It is important that it does not have sugar. Even if it is eaten cold, it can be useful to combat the heat associated with the first months of pregnancy. It also has a superior cooling capacity during the summer season.

Hydration is key in pregnancy

Pregnant woman drinking water.

As you have seen, maintaining a good state of hydration is important to ensure health during pregnancy, both for the woman and the fetus. To do this, use mineral water as the liquid of choice and avoid, above all, the consumption of alcohol and sugary soft drinks.

In addition, as a general rule, the consumption of juices on a regular basis is not recommended, since they have a large amount of simple sugars, however, they lack fiber. They are capable of significantly impacting blood glucose, which could increase the risk of developing gestational diabetes.

Now, the consumption of whole fruits is highly recommended. These foods concentrate a large amount of water inside them, thus helping to achieve a good state of hydration. Keep in mind that, as a general rule, drinking a glass of water before each meal will always be of great help.

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