How Should Children Use Technologies?

Today, children are immersed in a highly digitized environment. In view of this, it is necessary to know how to educate the little ones in the responsible and healthy use of technologies.
How should children use technologies?

Today, there is no doubt that technology is part of our lives. It is a fact that our societies are increasingly technological, which is reflected in our lifestyle and daily life. As a result, a series of questions and concerns arise around how children should use technologies, how they can affect their health, etc.

An inappropriate use of technologies can generate, both for children and adults, physical and cognitive health problems. For example, excessive use of screen time can cause headaches and back pain and dry eyes, as well as anxiety.

However, given that children are in a highly digitized world, we cannot separate them from the contact and use of technologies. In addition, adults must bear in mind that, in the future, children will need them in practically all areas of their lives. Therefore, the key is to teach children a responsible and healthy use of technologies. Now, how should children use technologies?

Child playing with a tablet at home.

Tips on how children should use technologies

  • Negotiate and agree limits on the use of technology

Although it must be the adult who decides unilaterally when it comes to very young children, it is very effective to jointly agree on the use of technologies once the child is older. For example, some issues to be addressed in boundary negotiation may refer to screen time or the type of content children consume. 

  • Establish times without technologies

It is essential to spend daily family time free of screens and devices. Set a schedule, if necessary, in which all family members commit to a specific period of the day to spend as a family without technological distractions. In addition, interacting face-to-face on a routine basis greatly favors the consolidation of quality family relationships.

  • Using the 20-20-20 rule

The American Optometric Association cautions that children can experience many of the same computer-related symptoms that adults experience  because they, too, use technology devices on a daily basis. Like, for example, the Visual Computer Syndrome, which encompasses a series of vision problems.

One way to deal with this type of syndromes that affect sight is to use the so-called 20-20-20 rule, which consists of looking away every 20 minutes from the screen of the device that we are using for 20 seconds, focusing on any another point about 20 feet, that is, approximately 6 meters.

Child playing with the computer with the consent of their parents after learning about how children should use technology.
  • Parental control 

Children with unlimited internet access can access all kinds of content. In these cases, parental control can be a great ally, as it helps us protect the little ones from viewing risky and unhealthy content.

Being a good role model is the key to  knowing how children should use technology

Mobile phones and tablets , among other devices, are very attractive to children and teenagers, but also to adults. Often times, we are the ones who are constantly checking our phones or, for example, who spend a large part of our time on the computer or tablets .

That said, if we want children to use electronic devices well, we must first change our own behavior. In other words:  we must learn to use technologies in a responsible and healthy way and, thus, be a good role model for the youngest.

Addiction to new technologies in adolescents

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