Guide For Mothers With Babies In Intensive Care

We know this can be a very unpleasant experience. However, there are some measures that can be followed to make the process a little more fun.
A guide for mothers with babies in intensive care

None of us can imagine that the sublime moment of the birth of a child can be accompanied by the anguish of not being able to caress, breastfeed and see it except only through a glass, because it is admitted to an intensive care room.

With this guide you will know how to give your best in every second of this delicate moment.

The first thing to clarify is that the intensive care unit is designed to care for patients with serious pathologies who need medical care 24 hours a day, as well as high-tech equipment to stabilize the patient.

When it comes to patients who are not one month old, we speak of intensive neonatal therapy, and it practically consists of extending the conditions of the mother’s womb through incubators, where the newborn will develop. In other words, neonatal intensive care can be seen as the extrauterine continuation of pregnancy.

A newborn may require intensive care for heart problems, infections, lung and intestinal conditions. The severity of the pathologies can be daunting, but we cannot afford to lose faith. The recovery of our little ones depends to a great extent on our strength.

Intensive therapy

“Little pink boy,
with fine fluff, your peach skin,
we who look at you from outside
want to tell you: how much we love you!” 

-Ramón Sardá-

Helpful Tips for Moms with Babies in Intensive Care

Integration in the baby’s care will make you feel useful, that you have a good state of mind is essential for both, it is for this reason that below you can get a set of tips and recommendations so that you are calm and collaborate in the speedy recovery of your little baby:

  • Express breast milk to supply the baby. Despite our convalescence, we must make an effort to express breast milk that the medical staff will take care of supplying the baby through tubes. For the newborn in recovery, the task of sucking must be avoided, because it involves a caloric expenditure that does not allow weight gain.
  • Do not neglect your own health. Our health cannot be contingent on the recovery of the baby. On the contrary, we must follow the medical recommendations to the letter in order to quickly heal any complications and thus be able to dedicate ourselves to the care of our little one.
  • Show love to our baby. It seems like a cliché, but it is totally true. Mom’s love, warmth, and presence can greatly contribute to stabilizing the newborn.  In fact, when your health is not compromised, various hospitals seek to practice the “Kangaroo mother”, which has allowed babies to gain weight and height in record time. If in your case, you are not allowed to carry your little one in your arms, show him your love by lulling him, singing to him and saying all the love that awaits him at home.
    Kangaroo breast

    “A soft and friendly voice
    whispering words in your ears,
    is capable of awakening mysterious mechanisms
    that immerse you in security and calm.” -Ramón Sardá-

    • Get involved in medical care.  Try to be aware of all the care that the baby needs, always respecting the medical restrictions that, although they seem harsh, only seek his speedy recovery. Writing down each medical report on a daily basis will allow us to verify each advance to celebrate because, although it may seem minimal, it is a battle won by our little gladiators.
    • Socialize with other moms. In the midst of a difficult situation we often feel abandoned, but looking around we can see that we share the pain and anguish with other mothers who have their babies in similar situations. Talking with them, unburdening ourselves and sharing the little joys are part of a therapy that will help them cope with the time of hospitalization.

      Keeping our little boy in an intensive care unit, for days or weeks, generates indecipherable suffering, but it is important not to fall into despair. If we indulge in pain, we will be setting a wrong example for our baby, who from the first moment needs to know that life is made up of a series of tests that we must face with confidence and faith.

      “Elusive, restless incubator explorer,
      as soon as the cables and guides are released,
      and you regain freedom and autonomy,
      who dares to bend your adventurous instinct?”

      -Ramón Sardá-

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