Good Evening, Mom: The Best Way To End The Day

Good night mom: the best way to end the day

Sometimes the knot of our problems instantly melts away just by watching our children sleep and wishing them good night. No matter the stress of the day, no matter what you have to do tomorrow, no matter the fatigue … because if your child is well, everything is fine . It’s that simple …

Although there is no shortage of people who will remind you over and over again that motherhood and the education of children is a complicated and even challenging journey, you have it clear. Having a child actually makes life so much easier. In fact, there is one aspect that you have undoubtedly already perceived: they make any effort worthwhile, they give you a reason to keep moving forward each morning. They are everything.

Taking this approach, curious as it may seem, is vital, it is synonymous with health and well-being. In fact, we don’t say it lightly or by chance. According to a study carried out at the University of Finland, parents who do not know how to manage stress and who do not appreciate the simplest things in life run the risk of transmitting the same anxiety patterns to their children.

In this way, it never hurts to remember something very simple that you have undoubtedly said to yourself more than once: the problems, the pressures of the day and the anxieties should be left out of the house and out of the “reach” of children. When we are with our little ones, they must perceive that they are our highest priority, the seed of our happiness.

I don’t want to go to sleep, mom!

Experts in family dynamics and even in relationships often give very basic advice: we should never go to bed angry with our spouses. It is not surprising, therefore, that the same thing happens with children.

  • In many homes, the bedtime of the little ones is often the source of conflicts, protests and some tantrums.
  • Our little ones are usually quite reluctant to detach themselves from their games or activities right away to go to bed. Hence, more than a few moms and dads have no choice but to reluctantly take them to their room, thus ending the day in an inappropriate way, with anger and a bad mood.

If this situation is repeated every day and we also add to it the fatigue of the parents due to their respective working hours, we undoubtedly already have enough ingredients to see the last hour of the day as something quite traumatic. When in reality, it should be the most magical time of the day …

I will say good night to you calmly, I will be with you until you fall asleep

Children will sleep better if parents accompany them

We know that there is some controversy and more than one discrepancy about what time we should put our children to bed. There are mothers and fathers who arrive a little later from work and do not want to give up spending time with their children, sharing moments with them, giving each other affections and phrases such as “how was your day” and “how did I miss you? less”.

It is clear that each family has its rules, its internal dynamics that adjust to its own characteristics and needs. However, there are some basic guidelines that we cannot neglect in these last moments of the day since, as we have pointed out at the beginning, they can undoubtedly contribute to a better upbringing, a better emotional footprint in your children.

A relaxed farewell

If your job allows it, it is recommended that you establish appropriate guidelines with which to favor bedtime. An hour before, we will turn off the TV or any electronic device to relax.

  • A bath before going to sleep is always highly recommended.
  • Likewise, it is always positive that we accompany them to bed and establish a few minutes of dialogue to talk about everything and nothing, to laugh, dream or simply read a story to them.

This whole process must take place without tension, without fights or protests. If they get used to this routine from an early age they will integrate it perfectly.

At that last moment of the day, emotions should speak, not worries

There are parents who say goodbye quickly to their children when they say good night. If your son or daughter wants to say something to you, it is common for the parent to respond that “now it’s time to sleep and dad / mom is tired”.

  • We know that at that time we are all exhausted. However, few moments remain so clearly in the emotional memory of our children as those in which we are on the edge of their bed, we read them a story, we make them a promise, we wish them good night or we simply remain silent. waiting for them to fall asleep. Protecting your dreams, delighting in your company after a stressful day.
Sleeping helps your child recharge batteries for the next day

Do not hesitate to enjoy those unrepeatable moments. The childhood of your children is very short and you have to know how to be present, enjoy this “here and now” that will never happen again.

The baby who wakes up at night has a name: a normal child

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