Fun Games To Stimulate Your Baby’s Development

Fun games to stimulate your baby's development

There is no better tool than play if you want to strengthen the relationship with your child, in addition to stimulating your baby’s development. By playing with him, you pay attention to him, give him time, look at him and talk to him, thus also building his self-esteem.

As the child grows, the game becomes an instrument as pleasant as it is crucial for their social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. Do you want to know those fun games to stimulate your baby’s development? In this article we share a few.

Tips to stimulate your baby’s development by playing

First of all, remember that repetition is important since many games to stimulate your baby’s development will not work in the first opportunities, but in the long run it will start to bear the sweetest fruits in your child.

Nor is it worth getting frustrated with how long your child pays attention to it. This will depend on your age, temperament, and mood. But surely you will have to change games every five minutes. You will know perfectly when your baby is enjoying the game because he will smile or laugh.

It may happen that the baby dodges you, looks the other way or cries while playing, a sign that it is time to change the game or let him rest since many infants are easily overwhelmed. This is where you can appeal to mimes, picture books or soft songs.

Games to stimulate your baby’s development

How to stimulate the development of the baby up to 3 months?

In this case, the best way to entertain your baby is to capture his senses: touch, sight, smell and hearing, feeling a fascination for sounds, smells and shapes. After these three months, your baby will be able to extend his arms to grasp objects.

  • Time to dance and sing. If your baby has a bad mood, there is nothing better than dancing with him. Put on music and put it in a fanny pack or carry it in your arms and start making gentle movements, rocking it from side to side or moving it up and down. And do not forget that you can also sing, low and soft at first and high and high later, children’s songs that are so important to learn.
  • Wonders before my eyes.  Tie or tape eye-catching fabric scraps, ribbons, and ribbons to a wooden spoon to move them delicately in front of the baby’s face. Tie a toy to a rubber band and make it bounce in front of his face, saying “Boing! Boing! ” when it comes down.

Stimulate the development of your baby between 4 and 6 months

During this period, the little one becomes more active: he will be able to turn his body, sit, hold, manipulate and put objects in his mouth. So now games can involve some physical activity. Your baby will enjoy being raised on your knees to the shout of “Arre, horse” and the tickles, with greater responsiveness.

  • Bubbles! They are a magical item for any child who loves to focus on them. If your baby is fussy, turn to this resource and see how he calms down. In the park, in the tub, at home and wherever you can think of, as it is a cheap and effective technique.
  • I’m gonna catch you!  Your little one now has a sense of expectation so he can’t resist when his mom playfully threatens to catch him to fill him with kisses, hugs, or tickles. You’ll see the laughter and laughter come out of your child’s mouth.
  • This little pig. It consists of the typical story based on the baby’s toes or hands, always starting with the youngest and, in the last sentence, he pretends to eat his belly. This fun game is very useful if you need to put on his socks, shoes or distract him to change his diaper.

Games to stimulate the development of your baby between 7 and 9 months

The child begins to crawl, so – in addition to stimulating your baby’s development – you should encourage these physical feats. Encourages their ability to transfer objects from one hand to the other and to grasp them in order to control their hands. You will also understand that when an object disappears from the visual field, it does not cease to exist with games like “Where is it? Here it is!”.

  • Play it and make it play.  Your baby hits the objects on the table or thrashes two objects together. It’s time to take a closer look at the world around you in a thousand ways. So offer things that make interesting sounds (empty containers, metal spoons, or bells) that also create tactile sensations.
  • Obstacle race. When your baby crawls or walks, they enjoy moving around to avoid objects, which is great for their motor development. Pillows, phone books, tired dads, and laundry can become tools to get around.
  • To roll.  Babies are fascinated by balls and their movements. If you want to amuse it, you can juggle them and then toss them up to, when they hit the ground, sketch out a ridiculous sound effect (“Puffff!”). Then have the ball roll towards your baby, and watch him grasp and squeeze it; over time, he’ll get it back to you by rolling it himself. Later, you can toss the ball into a large bowl.

    Games for babies up to one year

    Here the importance of those games that allow you to practice gross motor skills is highlighted : standing, getting up and climbing. However, it is also important to exercise fine motor skills, for example, playing with the label of a garment or the pages of a book.

    • Try objects.  Your baby tries to understand the connection between objects and the world, so he will love stacking and ordering objects, as well as filling and emptying them. You can provide a shoe box or bag with some items to put in and take out. It is also possible to teach the baby how to transfer water or sand from a small jug or container to a larger one.
    • Let’s move. When your baby is on his feet, encourage him to move around by placing his favorite toy on the other side of the sofa or table. Teach him to drag an object around the room, an activity where dragging toys or large empty boxes are helpful.
    • Imitate me  Your child surely loves to imitate others, a behavior that you should encourage by making a ridiculous sound and encouraging your baby to repeat it. It may imitate you or produce its own sound, which you can try to imitate or create a new noise.
    • Play bathing. Little ones like to stand up, splash around, touch the shower curtain, play with soap, and so on. We can encourage his fun by bringing lots of toys and even containers from the kitchen that he can fill with water and empty or even float on the water. A good option is to poke holes in the cap of a plastic bottle to turn it into a homemade watering can.

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