Flying A Kite Can Help Your Child Feel Free

Flying a kite can help your child feel free

Flying a kite is an art. A child who manages to lift one demonstrates that he has achieved the necessary skills to efficiently handle this artifact invented in ancient China; an activity that also invites you to enjoy a beneficial and healthy game.

It seems incredible that a simple kite can make a child experience the long-awaited and deep desire for freedom, because to raise it he will have to feel motivated to run, to move from place to take advantage of the favors of the wind, to have patience and perseverance, to be in close contact with nature and work as a team.

All these conditions will help you learn to make good decisions, to gradually forge a healthy personality, which will ultimately make you feel free on this path called life.

This happens because unstructured play is how children discover what they like to do, they experience beautiful sensations such as freedom, joy and even the ecstasy of feeling exhausted from so much fun. Most children fall into their beds after a play job; And spending a day flying kites may well be a pleasant activity for your child and for the whole family.

Feeling free is like being able to fly


Being able to fly has been a deep desire that humanity has expressed for millions of years. It is easy to find traces of the expression of this deep desire in world literature. But beyond that, secretly, what the human soul longs for is to feel free, as free as a bird.

Human beings have managed to satisfy the desire to fly so high that you can touch the sky in many ways. Some take the risk of practicing adventure sports that take them across the sky with their own body, while others manage to feel in the clouds with simple exercises such as looking at the sky, releasing a balloon or flying a kite.

So it doesn’t really matter what you decide to play with son. The bottom line is not whether he plays with ordinary balloons, wish balloons, or kites; The important thing is that through these objects you can feel that somehow it is possible to fly and that you can also fly high and without ties.

The freedom of childhood

All people are born free. Your son was born free and has all the capacities and faculties to be free and happy until the end of his days.  There is no parent in the world who does not want his child to grow up in an environment full of possibilities so that he has the ability to choose what he wants to do with his life.

All parents in the world want the choices that their children make to lead them to enjoy not only freedom or economic independence but also moral and spiritual freedom, that they feel good, that they are calm, that they always trust and that they love life.

Freedom of thought, rights, expression and creation is one of the deepest desires of humanity, it is not in vain that hundreds of thousands of people have fought for centuries.

And it is for what humanity still fights, although contradictorily we are the same human beings who make slaves to each other; there are even individuals who make themselves slaves and often do not realize it. They forgot what it is to feel free and therefore they no longer remember very well what it feels like to be happy.

Give your child freedom, give him wings to fly as high as he can. Those wings must be powered by the love and security that you provide and also the freedom of thought, expression, and creation that you offer.

Try to give him time to play. To build a kite, raise it and watch it soar through the sky. This is one of the most enjoyable activities you will experience and it is a game that the whole family can enjoy because raising a parrot requires teamwork.

And it is within the family where all people begin to spread their wings to try to fly, make sure your child feels that his home is a safe place to venture to undertake the intense flight that some call realization.


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