Don’t Order Your Son, Reason With Him

Do not order your child since he must learn to reason and not blindly obey. We tell you why and how to do it.
Don't order your son, reason with him

Learn not to order your child and teach him to reason appropriately in different situations. You educate him and help him solve problems calmly and not act out of anger or impulse before situations that seem adverse to him. That is why it is preferable that you remember: “Do not order your son, reason with him”

Children learn everything we teach them and even imitate the same behavior of mom and dad. Reasoning with them about inappropriate behavior allows them to have a great development and they learn to think independently.

Reasoning with children is a way of educating with affection, since through dialogue and patience the bond is strengthened and family self-esteem increases. This leads to the child behaving appropriately because he feels loved and understood.

How to reason with your children?

Parents are an authority figure for children. Communicating something in an authoritarian way will seem more like a threat than a stimulus. That is why a series of aspects must be taken into account to promote good communication. Keep the following points in mind:

  • Hold family discussions to talk about a topic. This encourages children to express what they think in a calm and structured way, teaching them that resolving conflicts as a family is the most appropriate.
  • When children do not want to do their daily activities, such as: sleeping, eating, doing homework, etc., parents should have a calm dialogue with them. This makes them understand how important it is to be responsible.
  • Communicate to the little ones what you want to say objectively with necessary indications. They can be confused with so many explanations and therefore feelings of frustration and disdain are created.
  • It is not advisable to educate children with desperation and demands. The best thing is to explain something to them that they do not understand while being calm and making them understand what their mistakes were and how they can patch them up.
  • If we want the little one to understand the message we are transmitting, it is vital to take into account body language. Take into account an appropriate tone of voice, approach them with a hug, speak to them in a quiet place.

    Don’t command your child: tips to increase patience

    mother and daughter having fun in kindergarden

    Children understand the world very differently than adults do. That is why explaining something calmly and slowly makes children feel understood and therefore their behavior is positive.

    • If you feel that your child is disobeying some of your orders and your patience runs out, it is preferable that you take a deep breath and count to ten, but “do not order your child.
    • It is important that you have empathy with your little ones. Putting yourself in their place will make you understand that they reason things very differently and that they do not have the agility of an adult to carry out an activity.
    • To stimulate children’s understanding, it is important to explain a situation with clear examples. If you notice that they do not understand, explain again in another way using another example until the child can understand it.
    • Do not allow problems and stress to overwhelm you and therefore pass it on to your child. Remember that they observe everything and are very sensitive to your mood.
    • Do some activity with your partner or friends in order to relax and reduce the tension caused by the routine. Participating in fun activities improves your sense of humor so you can have a good focus on your child’s education.

    Your son is wonderful just the way he is

    Do not order your son and reason with him… A son is the most wonderful and appreciated thing that a mother can have. Preventing frustrations and tensions from affecting the relationship with the child is as important as the care they require.

    Having patience is a great value that is acquired with practice, mothers are not born with a manual on how to be it, that is why first of all you must have patience with yourself to understand that taking care of your treasure is a process and it will not always be easy.

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