Does Childhood Determine Adult Life?

Does childhood determine adult life?

Everything we do during childhood builds the personality of the future. In this article we explain how certain circumstances define adulthood.

Today we can safely say that everything that happens to us determines our behavior. The environment shapes us and what we live generates a response in us. What is lived as a child builds adulthood .

We do not need to be psychologists to know that this is so. More than mothers , we are human beings and as such we have experienced situations that shaped us . Recalling the past is enough to verify this argument.

Violence, abandonment, or separation are highly negative life experiences for your little one. On the contrary, love, family union and discipline  they help to forge new men of good. Let’s look at the impact of childhood on adult life.

Childhood is like a flower, delicate and beautiful; for this reason we must protect the infant from situations not according to their age or traumatic moments

Everything that happens in childhood determines adulthood


Studies that have been done from different perspectives demonstrate this. The problem is not only about what we live, but about the way in which we channel that learning in the future. Not all people are the same .

A child raised in the midst of violence and neglect has a high probability of repeating the pattern. This is the population most vulnerable to becoming future criminals or victims. However, many people manage to overcome their past .

What we learn can come through regular learning, or break in through a traumatic event. Trauma is an intense emotional shock caused by an unexpected negative event .

Children with trauma will be potentially depressed adults

It’s all about attitude . Beyond this, children who experience trauma are more likely to be adolescents and adults.  that they will suffer from “early stress”. This occurs when a bad life experience is not overcome in good shape.

There are examples of experiences that disrupt the emotional well-being of a child. A divorce, an accident, an aggressive attack by a relative; they are sufficient situations to generate irremediable damage.

Even wanting to escape negative patterns, future adults may experience a situation again twice . Think of the children of divorced parents who later cannot establish stable relationships when they are older.

Reduces all those factors that are toxic for the little one

Balance allows little ones to become happy beings


Everything in excess is bad and this is shown by different psychology research . If you give everything to a child and do not let him solve his problems, he is probably dependent . If you punish him a lot, he might end up being more of a cheater.

The little ones  exposed to images of violence could be aggressive when older , while those who suffer from abuse will have a tendency to depression. That is why in each stimulus there must be balance and the right message.

The result is not always the same because we are not talking about numbers, but about individuals . But the truth is that in childhood the foundations that build adulthood are built and that is why parents and relatives must protect our little ones.

Every dad has a role in raising the child

Parents are responsible for avoiding and treating their children’s problems

The universe of children are mom and dad. They both have two tasks: a) to avoid trauma at all costs for their children and b) to help them cope with problems  in case they occur.

The responsibility of parents is not only to give affection, it is also to provide a livelihood and give education . These are the first psychologists, those who must first study what happens in the lives of their little ones.

As parents, it is vital that we leave prejudices and try to decipher what happens in the heads of our little ones . Doing so will be the first step in helping them move towards a much better future.

What can you do to improve your child’s emotional stability?

The first thing is to be willing to give importance to the emotional aspects of your little one. There are parents who, in principle, pay more attention to issues such as physical health or education and ignore the mental aspects.

Listening to your child and trying to understand his actions and words can reveal a lot about his feelings. But for this you must be wide open and listen carefully. Be prepared to interpret everything objectively.

It is very important that your child  has spaces to express himself about what is bothering him . Giving him spaces to speak freely will allow you to know things that you did not know. If your little one finds it difficult to express himself, it would be good to consult with a child psychologist.

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