Do You Know The Figure Of The Parental Coordinator?

In moments of family conflict between parents it is not always easy to find a solution, especially if you want to avoid the intervention of justice. The parental coordinator is an important figure in this regard.
Do you know the figure of the parental coordinator?

Family conflicts are really exhausting situations that generally end in the worst way for those involved. It is very difficult to reach an agreement without the need for justice to intervene. The worst thing about this is that  the main affected are the children and  that, in many cases, the participation of a parental coordinator ends up being requested.  

When couples get engaged and swear eternal love, they never imagine that things may not go quite right throughout the relationship. The situation would not be the most worrying if only the couple were part of this relationship.

The main problem occurs when, as a  result of this couple, we find children in the middle of family conflict. Regardless of their age, it will always be a more than delicate subject.

It is possible that the conflict that has been generated can be resolved in a peaceful, rapid and effective way, and without requesting the intervention of justice. But the reality is that  this does not usually happen and, as a result, different people will begin to get involved  who, if another were the context, would not be part of the process.

Being a topic of  great importance, we are going to see some details regarding the figure of the parental coordinator and what it entails.

Parents with their children after an argument thinking of looking for a parental coordinator.

What is the parental coordinator?

When couples get into serious conflicts and these are brought to justice, other parameters begin to take on great relevance. One of the alternative paths offered to parents is parental coordination. The main objective of this system is to preserve the mental health of the children involved in the process.

The parental coordinator, who is in charge of carrying out the coordination procedure, may be appointed unilaterally by the judge of first instance and instruction. It may also be part of the procedure if  both parties jointly agree to participate.

As we have seen, the work of the parental coordinator focuses only on the children who are involved in the conflict. The role is to  advise both parents in the best possible way  and to achieve the best  possible parental regulatory agreement, given the circumstances.

In short, their mission is to get both parents to put aside their differences and conflicts  for a moment to properly and effectively address the fundamental needs of their children.

The birth of this figure dates back many years in time, but in Spain it began to be used in some sentences of family conflicts during 2012. From that moment, and until today, this figure has been gaining great relevance to become a fundamental pillar within family conflicts.

What knowledge and skills should the parent coordinator have?

Currently, the figure of the parental coordinator is above the figure of the mediator. The person who performs the function must  have very specialized and deep knowledge regarding Family Law. You will also need to have fundamental mediation skills.

It is a highly demanding position, since it is also recommended that the parental coordinator has good knowledge in Psychology and Social Intervention. The intervention of the coordinator can be lasting, since his function within the procedure  may extend up to a maximum of 6 months.

Parents arguing with their child in the middle in search of a parental coordinator.

In addition to the aforementioned functions, the parental coordinator must ensure that the judicial sentence interposed by the Judge  is carried out effectively by both parties. In other words, they may meet with the minor’s environment as many times as necessary, with the aim of respecting custody and the established visitation regime.

Final notions of the topic  

Family conflicts will never be a sensitive issue, but with the implementation of this type of figures within the procedure, their resolution can be faster, more effective and, above all,  less harmful for the children involved.

The ideal is to reach an agreement between the parties without having to resort to justice, but if this cannot be achieved, the most sensible thing is for both parties to take it as calmly as possible and always  thinking about the well-being of their children.

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