Differences Between Studying By Heart And Learning

Memory and meaningful learning go hand in hand when studying. What is the best option to retain and analyze the information?
Differences between studying by heart and learning

Although it may not seem like it, it is important to explain to our children the differences between studying by rote and learning. Most young people think that memorizing a class is enough, since this ensures that they obtain good grades and consolidate competences without knowing that, in reality, they are making a serious mistake since with this method they do not obtain any significant learning.

Likewise, in educational centers it is very common to observe that the teaching method by which the educational project that is developed is governed is the one that opts for the accumulation of information and not for comprehensive learning. This regime only aims at memorizing content and leaves out reasoning and logic.

That is why most young people memorize the classes, since it  is the easiest way to pass their exams regardless of whether the content has been learned or not. Teachers design the evaluations in a practical way, where the student only has to write the developed topic verbatim, thus limiting the space for confrontation and critical analysis.

Study by heart and learn

In order to understand the differences between studying by heart and learning, it is necessary to take into account the importance of both options and bear in mind that both are involved in the learning process of our children during all the educational levels that they will face. Therefore, we are going to take a look at its characteristics:


It is about memorizing a series of contents or data in a superficial way. It is not necessary to analyze, understand or relate them to other subjects or subjects. Simply retain the information for a short period of time and then record it on the exam sheet.

Child studying and learning.

Although, after some time, that information will disappear without being noticed, therefore, the student is left without any type of learning and, surely, with a good grade. But this is the study method most applied by boys today.

It can be said that memory is like a warehouse that has a great capacity to accumulate data and that allows access to them in a simple way. It has three sections that work together to help you retain information. Long-term memory is one that is responsible for storing a lot of information for an indeterminate period of time and then be used when necessary.  Therefore, with it you can remember anecdotes, people, names, amounts, among others.

However, working or short-term memory is the one that only stores information for a short time, since it is aware that it will be soon to be used and, in most cases, that information is discarded, therefore, the student is left with an available void to re-store.


It is about internalizing and reasoning the contents offered by the teacher, in this way, they will prevail in memory for a long time. Therefore, this is achieved with methods such as reasoned reading and analysis, which promote a full understanding of what is studied.

Thought is another mental process that helps channel all the information received to establish meaningful learning. This helps the content to be stored in long-term memory so that, when it is intended to give an answer, it is done with its own reasoning.

Differences between studying by heart and learning.

Differences between studying by heart and learning

If we know the differences between studying by heart and learning and we explain them to our children, it will be easier for them to choose which is the most convenient method when processing a certain information. So, here we show them:


  • The topics seen in class are not understood.
  • Information is stored sequentially and not randomly.
  • Everything is quickly forgotten.
  • It becomes impossible to relate topics.


  • Topics seen in class are more easily understood .
  • Has the ability to explain what is understood fluently.
  • What has been learned remains forever.
  • Allows you to make comparisons with other topics.

In short, and by way of conclusion, many differences between studying by heart and learning can be listed, but certainly one goes hand in hand with the other. Although the important thing is that both options work together and help the student not only get good grades, but also that the content learned is useful in their future.

Memory and creativity, compatible?

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