Decision Making In Adolescence

Learning to make decisions in adolescence is not easy, but that does not mean it is impossible. Find out why below.
Decision making in adolescence

Decision making in adolescence is a fundamental learning. Not only because it makes life easier but because it provides a lot of tranquility  in the short, medium and long term.

It has always been talked about how difficult adolescence is. Not only for the child, but also for his parents. It is not easy that transition in which you are not a child, but not an adult. This lack of definition makes decision-making in adolescence a far from easy task.

The road to adulthood

Adolescence involves an important transition. The amount of hormonal, psychological and physical processes that occur in the body alter emotions and, therefore, experiences intensify.

In view of these changes, in short, you get an opportunity to learn (or relearn) many things. Of course, this is accompanied by the various forms of management.

Impulsive actions, risks and the search for identity pose many challenges that often make decision-making difficult. However, this is a normal process. The experiences will be teachers, both in the mistakes and in the achievements.

During adolescence, young people must learn to take responsibility for their actions and bear the consequences. This is the first step in learning how to make your own decisions.

Decision making in adolescence.

Decision making in adolescence

Piaget and Inhelder’s studies report that, during adolescence, maturity is acquired progressively. Therefore, decision-making at the beginning will be precarious, impulsive and not very reflective. However, little by little analytical skills develop in young people.

It is also considered that, during adolescence, the ability to self-regulate behavior is not yet fully present. Among other reasons, because the brain centers, where self-regulation resides, has not reached maturity.

Currently this hypothesis is under discussion, since it is considered that what really influences the decision – making process in adolescence is the imbalance between the emotional and the rational.

Beyond the diversity of opinions, the important thing is that decision-making in adolescence is a process that should not be forced or accelerated.

Given the uncertainty of young people, it is best to provide support, listen to them and guide them with affection so that they can leave indecision behind.

Decision making in adolescence.

How to guide decision-making in adolescence

Since there is no parenting manual or a children’s manual, the best thing to do is to engage in dialogue. Good communication will help both parents and children a lot to understand each other and get the results they want.

Decision-making in adolescence requires parental support. Here are some tips:

  • Limiting time can help reduce the levels of anxiety involved in making decisions. As parents, it is advisable to set the time in which the young person must make the decision about a certain situation.
  • Avoid overprotection. Parents must resist the quick exit of deciding for their children. The only way they will learn to decide is to do it for themselves. It is the only way to rehearse being independent.
  • Allow yourself to err. The decision-making process in adolescence is also learning for parents. Increasingly they must let their children decide on matters that until now had been under parental control.
  • One of the best lessons a parent can teach their children is that you learn from mistakes. The ability not to be defeated by the wrong decisions, but to learn from them will strengthen your ability to decide in the future.
  • Showing interest in the decisions the young person must make will give you the confidence that you are not alone. This interest must not become pressure, the process of the young person must be respected.
  • Setting the example and teaching responsibility to assume the consequences of one’s actions and comply with what has been decided are also essential teachings in this process of learning to make decisions.

It is not easy to assume decision making in adolescence, but with support, understanding and tolerance it becomes an important learning process for a future responsible adult.

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