Connect With Nature To Connect With Family

Connect with nature to connect with family

You may remember your childhood when your parents allowed you to play freely outside the house or in the parks with your friends. Today, parents are more afraid because of the information we have and because of everything bad that happens around the world. Fear takes over and children are more protected, but this protection should not condition us, it is possible to connect with nature to connect with the family.

People are nature and thanks to it we exist. Our parents enjoyed time on the porch, talking to other family members or neighbors.

I am sure that the children of the new generations have the least contact with nature in all of history. It would even be a good idea to talk about nature deficit disorders … nature is necessary for our mental health!

If you grew up in contact with nature, climbing trees, chasing insects and building upstream dams in rivers, then you will agree with me that all children deserve these kinds of experiences and that they are also necessary for their proper development.

balance between family and work

Contact with nature

Contact with family nature helps us get closer to ourselves, allows us to enjoy our planet and the people we love the most. Nowadays, it seems that we do not have time to go to the field, if we send our children to play at the door of the house it is dangerous with so much car, sometimes there are no other children to play for the same reasons, an adult must be watching them to make sure they are safe… but adults have too many chores.

For these reasons, many children spend most of their time inside the home, that is why children as they grow prefer to be at home with the computer or tablets than to go out into nature and really enjoy life.

But children need fresh air and exercise, and so do parents. If families find a way to be outdoors together they will nurture their bodies, their minds and connect with life, nature and with themselves. There are numerous studies that show how nature is beneficial not only for children, but also for the family as a whole.

Benefits of keeping in touch with nature

There will be time for the family

Being in contact with nature brings many benefits to both children and entire families, some of these benefits are:

  • Tranquility. The tranquility will be noticed at home and there will be less tension and anxiety. Contact with nature reduces the need for children to want to move and adults to control them, fresh air brings calm to children and adults in every way.
  • Happiness. There are many studies that show that the sun, fresh air and physical activity improves the mood of the family nucleus and promotes happiness in all its members, also reduces the tendencies to depression in both adults and children.
  • Less propensity to be overweight. Pediatricians recommend that children and adults have an hour of active physical play each day to fight obesity and diabetes, something that is even more important in children.
  • Better vision. Children who play outside will have better vision and less need to wear glasses. It has nothing to do with not looking at the screens so much, it turns out that vitamin D and exposure to natural light is important for the eye to have a good development and be healthy.
  • Better studies. Research shows that kids who play outside actually have more attention span, more tolerance for frustration, and do much better in school. Children may even do better on tests if they are allowed to play outside first. The oxygen going into the brain is really important for this.
  • Creativity. The games in contact with nature will help them to be less structured so that children can let their imagination grow and enhance their creativity almost without realizing it.

    Spending family time in nature – hiking, walking, cycling … – allows the family to synchronize and connect emotionally. This will be able to create wonderful memories in children, it is necessary for everyone. Playing together in the garden or in the park, with the phone disconnected … is what really matters.

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