Changes In The Body After Childbirth

After childbirth, the female body goes through a series of changes in order to regain its natural balance. 
Changes in the body after childbirth

Changes in the body after childbirth are unavoidable and generally quite obvious. Although it is true that not all women experience them at the same time, in the same way. In some cases, some signs are more noticeable than others. It all depends on the case.

Next, we will tell you roughly what these changes are and why you should not be alarmed by them. We even tell you which ones you will enjoy the most when looking in the mirror. 

The body after childbirth

After childbirth, all women go through a stage full of physiological changes. And no, it is not only a significant decrease in the volume of the belly, but also a hormonal readjustment that leaves traces on the skin, hair and other aspects.

The belly

Without a doubt, belly reduction is the most noticeable change in a woman’s body. The reason for this lies in the labor itself, in the contractions. However, the decrease in volume brings with it a disadvantage: the flaccidity of the area. However, with a proper diet and exercise routine, it is possible to achieve an attractive figure again.

Be careful, keep in mind that everything will depend on each person’s body and lifestyle. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the belly will not be able to return to the way it was before pregnancy, in the blink of an eye, without working on it.

The weight

Just as the belly loses volume, it is also possible to notice some weight loss after delivery. However, this is not the same for all women. Some lose weight easily in the first few days but then stagnate, and others may lose weight past their 40s.


Obviously, having started the lactation period, changes in breasts or breasts are evident. They will be more swollen, more voluminous, and the color and shape of the nipples and areolas may change in shape and color.

Nipple shields during breastfeeding should not be used if there is no justifying reason.

The feet

During pregnancy, fluid retention is one of the most recurrent symptoms. However, one of the changes in the body after childbirth is the progressive disappearance of this annoyance that even modifies the number of footwear.

That is why it is noticeable how the feet go from being very swollen and large, due to edema, to being little by little, more ‘relieved’. Of course, that does not mean that the body is ready to climb into high heels. 

The skin

During pregnancy, a woman may have acne breakouts or blemishes on the face (known as melasma) as a result of altered hormonal activity.

However, after delivery she experiences great improvement. It recovers its luminosity and uniformity, which can translate into a smooth and beautiful skin.

Stretch marks

Another change in the body after childbirth is the appearance of various stretch marks on the skin, in various areas but especially on the breasts, legs and abdominal area. These usually appear during pregnancy, but are more noticeable once you have given birth.

Although it is impossible to avoid them completely, it is possible to prevent and reduce them with some care. 

The sweat

Something curious that happens to the body after childbirth is the amount of sweat it produces. This is not something alarming, on the contrary, it is a symptom that the body is eliminating all the fluids accumulated so far.

The way to eliminate retained fluids is through sweat and urine. It is therefore necessary to maintain good hydration so as not to lose strength.

Staying hydrated is essential to being healthy.

The hair

One of the postpartum body changes that women least like is hair loss. It is a normal process, in which it is necessary to apply certain care and not pay much attention to the subject (so as not to increase the stress level and promote the loss of volume). 

During pregnancy, hair grows rapidly due to increased estrogen and excess blood flow. But postpartum, the opposite happens.

The ones

Finally, after delivery it is possible to notice changes in the nails. If they grew up looking good and strong in pregnancy, postpartum they may break easily and look much less favorable overall.

How the body changes after childbirth

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