Can I Have The Laser Done While Pregnant?

Next, we will clear up your doubts about the laser and pregnancy. They are compatible? 
Can I have the laser done while pregnant?

For many women, pregnancy should not be an impediment to looking good. Therefore, although they take the pertinent precautions regarding hair dyes, with other beauty treatments they have several doubts. Then they wonder if they can have a laser treatment while pregnant. Have you ever wondered that too?

When in doubt, many women put aside some beauty treatments, such as the removal of body hair, for fear that it could be harmful. Especially for the health of the baby. Now, is abstention the only position that can be taken in this regard?

What is laser hair removal?

Laser treatment is a method to weaken the hair follicle and cause the loss of body hair in certain areas, such as: legs, groin, armpits, forearms, chest, neck and face.

To date, it has not been proven to cause any harm to the formation and subsequent development of the fetus. It is considered that, by acting on the surface of the woman’s skin and not interfering further, it does not have to be harmful. However, prudence will not hurt.


What do the experts say?

However, experts do not recommend that women undergo laser treatment while pregnant. During this period, it is not recommended that they be exposed to any type of light, radiation or electricity discharges. In this case, all the hormonal changes present in the body are taken into account. Therefore, a rejection against the laser by the skin could occur, causing various reactions at the skin level.

In the pregnancy period, laser hair removal treatment favors the formation of varicose veins; since it causes the breakage of capillaries and irritations in the skin. In the same way, since the skin of pregnant women is very sensitive, burns tend to occur that later become scars. These, added to the hormonal alteration, cause an increase in pigmentation to occur, causing dark spots on the skin.

Just as laser hair removal is not recommended during pregnancy, it is also not recommended to use wax or hair removal creams. The reason for this is the amount of chemicals present in its formulation can cause adverse reactions in the sensitive skin of pregnant women, as well as burns and scars that are difficult to remove later.

What method to use during pregnancy?

For these reasons, the most recommended method is traditional shaving. It is the least invasive for the body during pregnancy in women. This is so because it does not require more than a simple gesture of external action on the skin.

When can I have the laser done?

After the end of the breastfeeding period, you can go back to laser hair removal with peace of mind. In case you want to resort to it after the delivery, because you cannot wait any longer, you must bear in mind that the application of laser in the upper body area is not recommended; that is, chest, armpits, abdomen.


In case your baby is fed exclusively with formula milk, you can have laser hair removal after a period of 2 to 6 months has passed, after delivery. This will prevent adverse skin reactions and give your body enough time to stabilize at the hormonal level.

Although the number of hairs usually increases during pregnancy, due to hormonal activity, keep in mind that after the baby is born, the number of hairs decreases again. 

Now that you know why it is convenient for you to avoid laser treatments during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you can take the appropriate measures to organize your beauty routine in a safe way, both for you and your baby.

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