Bumps And Falls: How Should We Act In The Event Of A Possible Accident?

Bumps and falls: How should we act in the event of a possible accident?

What is the common factor in the life of every child? Undoubtedly, suffer small accidents, especially bumps and falls, as a result of their curiosity and lack of notion of danger. Therefore, avoiding and dealing with these types of mishaps is one of the daily tasks of any mother. 

Do you think that only you have an “earthquake” child? Well no, most boys experiment and explore, which is why they are prone to face bumps and falls of different magnitudes, even though they have an outstanding calm temperament.

Is it inevitable that kids spend a good part of the day jumping, running and playing? to waste energy. As a consequence of this, they generally end up in accidents. Although there are prevention guidelines, you should not prohibit physical activity as it guarantees good physical and mental development.

So how can we prevent these accidents? How should we act in the face of the unfortunately inevitable bumps and falls of our children?  Discover the solution to this maternal concern in this article by You Are Mom.

Prevention is better than cure…

Bumps and falls are a common possibility in the home and school environment, as well as becoming one of the most common accidents. That is why it is not enough simply to attend to the way of acting once the child is injured, but also the way to prevent them in a timely manner.

As bumps and falls are among the most frequent causes of childhood injuries within the home, safety and protection within the home must become golden rules inserted in the family routine. Of course, the idea is not to overprotect your child but, on the contrary, to give him security and freedom.

Happy parents joining hands above children

Therefore, it will be essential to create an environment and an environment suitable for minors, that is, without dangers or risks for them. To do this, you should consider the following items:

  • Place protection bars on stairs, windows and beds, as well as you must provide stops the doors of the house and base cabinets.
  • Put silicone protectors, usually rounded, on the corners of furniture and drawers.
  • Keep appliances and utensils out of the reach of children.
  • Watch the minors in the bathtub, and place a non-slip mat in it.
  • Supervise baby’s games and toys to prevent them from getting hurt by them.
  • Watch for an unobstructed path, since the floor of all the rooms of the house must be free of clothes and toys.
  • Try to always have good lighting at home to avoid unnecessary trips and falls.
  • Do not leave young children on elevated surfaces such as changing tables and stools.
  • Avoid using the walker since they tend to cause domestic accidents.
  • Convey to your child the importance of using protective measures when riding bikes or skates. Put a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads on them to protect them.

How to act against bumps and falls?

There are times when our preventive efforts are ineffective. In such cases, a number of factors will need to be considered when assessing the severity of the accident. The usual consequences are contusions, joint injuries (sprains, dislocations) and fractures.

The appearance of inflammation or swelling in the affected area indicates that there was an internal trauma, usually accompanied by more or less intense pain. If the victim is in pain while a deformity is observed, do not force the child to move or stand.

Likewise, the ideal is to keep the area affected by bumps and falls at rest. We must prevent the child from moving while applying cold locally to calm the pain. According to the evolution of your child, evaluate approaching a pediatric guard or calling medical emergencies.

If during the accident in question the boy hit his head and later manifests bleeding from the ear, vomiting or sudden loss of consciousness, do not hesitate to ask for help with the utmost urgency. Also remember that, in this case, the baby will not be able to sleep for at least two hours.

What to evaluate in these circumstances?

In the event that your child is exposed to bumps and falls, you can assess a series of factors that will help you decide whether it is convenient to go to the health center or whether it is possible to solve the consequences of the accident at home.

  • Intensity of the blow.  Here it will be necessary to consider the height from which the fall occurred and the initial force that the child was using when the accident occurred.
  • Bruise area.  The most sensitive areas are the face, neck, and joints. The blood vessels of the face can give rise to spectacular reactions.
  • Reaction of the child.  It goes without saying that in the event of inconsolable crying or loss of consciousness, we must urgently go to the doctor to rule out serious injuries.
  • Appearance of the injury after the blow. There may be a redness, bruise, or bruise.

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