Being “mother-baby” Means Knowing The Most Absolute Chaos

Being "mommy-baby" means knowing the most absolute chaos

Being a mother-baby implies that one becomes a little “crazy”, leaves the rational world, lives in a parallel world and stays away from logical decisions, schedules, obligations, etc. In this sense, a mother-baby needs the support of those who love her to sustain herself at a time when the internal and external world are involved in the most absolute chaos.

At the end of the day, when a woman is a mother-baby she undergoes an unbalanced routine of crying, diapers, feedings and bottles that make her feel in another dimension, not recognizing herself and feeling that, in a certain way, he has missed the train of his own identity.


The role of a mommy-baby

Although the chaos is more pronounced during the postpartum, the first age of our children often requires that we look at the world with the eyes of the baby and establish our priorities based on their needs.

Perhaps the expression that best defines how a mother-baby feels is that of “I am like in a cloud . In other words, in these moments you have the feeling of being in a parallel world with other rhythms and in which everything seems to be distorted or blurred between crying, sleepless nights, colic and diapers.

Mother hugging her baby

Emotional support for the mother-baby

In any case, it is essential that each mother allows herself to immerse herself in that dream world that originates from breastfeeding, crying, advice and recommendations, schedules and other characteristic aspects of this stage.

To match these moments of disconnection with “the real world” it is beneficial to look for references that are based on the here and now. An example would be talking to other moms who are in the same stage.

In this way we can normalize situations, sensations, experiences and thoughts, because we will realize that they are similar and that will strengthen us. That is to say, creating an environment in which what happens to us not only turns out to be shared, but is also recreated and tinged with positive.

Hand of a mother with her baby

In other words, although chaos at this stage is a negative element, the fact of sharing it and feeling accompanied in our transit encourages us to positively accept our identity as a mother-baby with the chaos that it entails.

It is normal to feel upset and plunge into madness, because the amount of contradictory suggestions, advice and experiences disorients us and leads us to despair in the search for the right way to do or be a mother-baby.

Breastfeeding a baby is a great act of love

Function like mommy-baby

Functioning as a mother-baby means oscillating between the connection with our adult aspect and our baby aspect. This, of course, is in a way what guides us to know “what is right” and “what is wrong.”

The advice we receive does not matter, because only those that are closely related to the emotional history of each mother-baby will be useful and fruitful. This will make us realize that the only person who knows what is good for us is ourselves, what happens is that a mother-baby does not know that she knows everything she knows.

Understanding that each mother-baby dyad has a time and a rhythm will be the best clue so that, when the time comes, we can regain that normality that we so fear we have lost.

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