Autistic Child Receives 20 Thousand Congratulatory Letters. Discover The Sad Cause

Autistic child receives 20 thousand congratulatory letters.  Discover the sad cause

The life of an autistic child and his family is not easy at all. However, there are many details that can be very valuable to them. This condition is for life, which must continue without stopping before stumbling. Ollie’s story moved us; This boy with autism managed to receive 20,000 letters for his 15th birthday.

One of the biggest difficulties that a person with this problem presents is that of being able to socialize. Understanding and sharing with your environment is not an easy task for anyone with autism. Ollie is no exception, he would turn 15 without friends to share.

According to the characteristics of this disease, there may be a great variety of symptoms in each patient. For example, speech problems and repetitive behaviors creating a world of their own. Most people with this disorder have trouble achieving daily social interactions. They have little eye contact and do not try to share their activities with others.

Despite their difficulties in relating, they, too, need affection and attention from those who can understand them. Knowing how to share with them having things in common is an art, but it is totally possible with everything and the limitations.


An autistic child congratulated by thousands

In England, Karen Jones, 49, the mother of Ollie, a boy on the autism spectrum, decided to write a petition on the social network Facebook. In this he explained that his son would soon be celebrating his birthday and that he wanted congratulations. Mom’s intention was born as a result of a sad confession by her son and had positive results. Karen’s request was as follows.

“Help. My autistic son is turning 15 and he has told me that he likes to open congratulations, so he has written a couple to himself. We are a small family and have no friends, so he receives very few letters. If you had an old forgotten in a closet, could you send it to her? “

-Karen Jones-

The mother said she felt her heart break when she realized that Ollie had written his own greeting cards on his birthday. The boy explained that he had no friends to congratulate him, but that he enjoyed congratulations. The grieving mother felt that she should do something for her son and her initiative yielded very sweet fruits.

It’s worth saying that Karen could have been satisfied and grateful for just a few compliments. However, to her greatest surprise, the request exceeded all expectations she had. Emotion and much gratitude overwhelmed her for the emotional detail of the people who received her message.

A gift that every autistic child should receive

On Saturday August 27th, Ollie’s birthday, the family received 50 congratulations. As they read them, they realized that many parents or relatives of autistic children were writing. These people explained their situation and gave them words of encouragement to continue fighting with their son.

There were also phone calls, the volunteers also decided to speak with the mother and son personally. Karen was very grateful because the detail came from all over the world through letters.

“I would like to thank you all and remind people that there are many ‘Olies’ everywhere… All I can say is thank you. The goodness, love and goodwill of everyone has been phenomenal “

-Karen Jones-


The mother was wrong when she thought that people would ignore the message she posted on her social network. However, many people received your call by giving 10,000 likes and thousands of shares to your post on the first day. The letters began to arrive without stopping, even, the boy received an XBOX from Saudi Arabia.

It should be noted that in that year, the Queen of England received 17,000 letters for her ninetieth birthday. In other words, if we compare this amount with what Ollie received, it exceeded all possible expectations. As the days passed, the letters reached about 20 thousand, the mother’s gratitude is as infinite as the love for her son.

Images courtesy of Karen Jones’ Facebook

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