An Unruly Child Is A Happy Child

A rambunctious child is a happy child

Like many mothers, you idealized motherhood and today you deny because you dreamed of having a child, but you never got the idea of ​​their behavior. However, there is no need to worry or regret. Well, every unruly child is a happy little one.

Contrary to the standard of fatigue with which we measure child behavior, a boisterous, noisy or restless child is synonymous with a childhood that is as happy as it is happy. Or have you never been told that you should feel happy about the energy and the occurrences of your child because it implies having a totally healthy child?

“That baby won’t stay still,” you hear people repeat over and over again. Fortunately, this is absolutely normal. The error consists in the absurd claim that a minor behaves in the same way as an adult. The child through that which annoys the grown-ups so much, knows the world around him.

A rambunctious child is a child who learns by exploring

An unruly child, in addition to being free and happy, is a child who is in the process of learning. Through these explorations and childhood adventures, the infant discovers objects, textures, reactions. For this reason, it is not convenient to limit these lessons that life itself gives you.

Unruly but happy child

It will be elementary then not to forget what childhood consists of and the importance of this stage, undoubtedly one of the most plastic stages of the personality of every being. Thus, those who undertook this sacrificial but beautiful mission of motherhood or fatherhood must choose empathy.

What better way to connect with those wonderful years that have marked our lives, also leaving a legacy marked by those shenanigans that have become the best memories and anecdotes that we remember with our best smile?

Your baby will necessarily cry, laugh and scream. Well, his way of communicating with you and expressing what he feels, as well as expressing any need or annoyance. Do not worry, you are doing well despite not having come into the world with a manual to be a mother.

Similarly, your little one will tend to jump, run, sing, and ask insistently. It is part of their game, since the playfulness of childhood transcends mere fun and entertainment, but also includes teachings and learning.


A rambunctious child is a full child

The unruly child is a full, happy baby. As you well know, little ones want to touch everything, feel it, sometimes even suck.  It is your best way of learning and experimenting. It is through this mechanism that the minor will also feel free, capable and fulfilled.

If you force him to be silent or to stand still as a statue, you forge a personality that is as withdrawn and introverted as it is fearful and doubtful. These little ones will not dare to explore either out of fear or guilt, thus generating a certain dependence on their parents, mortally wounding their autonomy.

All this can not give other result than a low self-esteem, a very heavy burden to bear for any child. A scar that will be imprinted on their skin until adulthood and that, even in the future, will imply that the person deals with it in all areas of their life.

Contrary to what is often stated, crying must be attended to. The child’s desire to play is fulfilled. Of course, always with the attention, protection and supervision of an adult to avoid all kinds of damage or danger. But be that as it may, as parents we must encourage child exploration and curiosity.

It is precisely that freedom, that pleasure that awakens being able to play and take out everything that is inside, that interaction with their environment that makes children very happy. Yes, unfortunately for many, childhood is noisy by nature and definition.

For this very reason, being happy at those ages means being an unruly, restless, curious, launched child. There will be plenty of time for when they grow up, they will be quiet or stay still without disturbing anyone. But your child’s today and now is action, an action tailored to him that we must accept, respect and encourage.

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